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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Yes there are i'm sure. But the republican party has made a cottage industry out of calling any democrat with those credentials or anything close to those credentials an elitist. So when their guy fits the elitist criteria they have to sell him as an average joe, which bush is not and has never been.
  2. The answer to the original question is none, this guy is none cool and no I would not like to have a beer with him either, that was simply a campaign sales pitch to make him seem more like a regular guy than a guy who was born into privledge, went to prep-school, Yale, Harvard grad school, was a member of the most exclusive clubs on campus etc... By the way the campaign pitch worked beautifully for him. Oh, and Rumsfeld's responsibilities lay with f*&%ed up planning and bad advice. The president is the ultimate decider (his word not mine) on whether or not we were to invade. If you ta
  3. This movie was ok, not great. Both my son and I think the same way about it. Neither of us was overwhelmend and neither was put off by it. It looks nice on screen and is cute in places, but all in all we both thought it was quality-wise somewhere between cars and the incredibles. Neither of which made an impression on me but he liked the increidbles ok and cars was so-so for him. I saw little voice this weekend and thought that was imeasurably better than wall-e.
  4. Ah, that oldie but goodie, the classic chestnut...but CLinton did it. When all else fails blame wild bill, its so much easier than thinking.
  5. What do you think the odds are that they had an advance copy of the ruling to use in preparing their suit. It's not unheard of as we have gotten advance rulings ahead of our opponants some times and sometimes they have the advance rulign and use them to prepare arguments in cases similar to ours.
  6. First off I need to say that I know and maybe we all know someone who ownns guns who we wish did not own them. In my case it is a close relative who has been borderline mentally ill for 40 years or more and he has 80 or so weapons. I work with law all the time (tax law) and we approach nearly every issue in terms of buildign our argument and trying to build and anticipate the governments arguments and our responses to them. Any study of law has to involve looking at both sides of an issue. He damned well better adress both sides of the issue in his arguments. The case is some 150 or
  7. Is this really disarmament? Or are they disassembling the facilities that they use to enrich Plutonium? If I'm not mistaken that might be the case.
  8. I remember all through high school Mark Aguire was listed as being 6'7". When I stood next to him at a DePaul game he was a good inch or two shorter than I was and I'm 6'5". Patrick Ewing is another one who was always listed at about 7' but in reality was closer to 6'9". I think over time a lot of these guys have been either mis-measured, or have had their height delibrately mis-stated.
  9. But that is the courts job...to interpret the law and overturn it if they feel that it is unconstitutional. Going to the extreme with a goofy example...if legislatures passed laws making it illegal to be left handed and 80% of the population agreed with the laws it is the courts job to determine the validity of the law regardless of public pressure, regardless of popularity. One woudl hope that the justices woudl use more than simply their own moral compass, that they woudl use precident (which some justices have openly said they do not agree with), that they woudl use the writings available
  10. At one point I believed Scalia to be one of the smarter justices. But all too often his dissents and decisions read like politcal pieces written for the opinion page. When he makes comments in and about cases and uses the show 24 as his reference point, he really loses credibility. The more i learn about him the less I like him, and I'm not talking politcal ideology. He just seems like a major league jerk. His conduct on the bench and twords his fellow justices is deplorable, not a pleasant guy. It's no wonder he and dirty dick are the best of buddies.
  11. 10,000 days - Song and Album Karn Evil #9 Revoulution 9 25 or 6 to 4 One is the lonliest number love potion #9 Seven Nation Army Sevan and Seven is Positivly Forth Street
  12. But isn't this what lawmakers do? Those in the majority make and pass laws based on their own sense of morality? Look at our nation over the past eight years. One party has had a slim majority and has used that slim majority to pass through all sorts of legislation, the supreme court is no different in that a slim majority is deciding a fairly large number of cases (by supreme court standards), by 5-4 margins. Cases going in both directions. It used to be that there would be consensus built and cases would be decided 7-2, 9-0 etc... Now in our politically polarized world we don't get tho
  13. Lets just say I was saying what I said, just a few crack pot emails nothing mainstream. It's not like it has entered the mainstream at all. I mean my friend who saw my wife and I fist bump after a good golf shot last week and said not to do that because it is what terrorists do, probably got that notion off of some whacked out email he recieved. Probably from the same email where he learned that Obama was raised Muslim in a madrassa in Indonesia, you know that one right? And it's not like it is main stream for any one to note Obama's middle name or the similarity of his last name to Osama?
  14. Yep because that's all it is is just a few emails. Nothing on the news nothing on the tlak shows, just a few crack pots with email service.
  15. http://measureformeasure.blogs.nytimes.com...ease/index.html
  16. http://www.jamesdobsondoesntspeakforme.com/ One of the guys who helped start this site is a minister from TX who supported Bush previously and now supports Obama.
  17. I'm not a huge MMJ fan but I like this album. I just heard it yesterday for the first time and its much better than Kot or Dero portray it to be. James definately is streetching his vocal range out. If I close my eyes and don't think MMJ I swear a coupl of the songs could easily fit on a mid-70's era Boz Scaggs album, and I don't consider that to be a bad thing.
  18. My main problem with the immunity is not the immunity per-se. It is the fact that they have no clue as to what they are giving immunity for. For all we know the whole program has been targeting you and me or political opponents, or business opponents etc... Until they know what the immunity is for it should not be granted.
  19. That is one of the better explanations of why, but they still don't address the issue of where and when exactly god amended the Bible. It is man made interpretation of what is supposed to be a divinely inspired book. or as my minister once said a book with one author but many scribes. I'll add...and many many more interpreters. They justify their views using man made and earth bound logic in the same way that the catholic church justifies the pope being gods messenger on earth. i.e. it is not stated as such but they take their logic and establish the argument and pronounce it as being fa
  20. I knew the keys thing, but never knew there was a connection. Buffett seems like the anti-HST. Oh well.
  21. I have big problems with people who say that there is only one way to interpret the bible. People who say that the bible is the literal word of god to be followed faithfully, who then proceed to tell me which parts should be dropped, and which parts should be followed. Dobson has no problem dropping a majority of the levitical codes and other rules from the first five books. He can dismiss them as ancient dietary rules, or as being impractical (clothing issues, how women treat their menstral cycles etc...) but right next to stuff he dismisses there are passages he emphasizes as being of the
  22. Of course the highly credible James Dobson is the topic of the article. Talk about distorting the bible. I'd love for Mr Dobson to tell when and where god amended the bible and dropped the ancient dietary rules etc... from where I stand I only see one bible and nowhere has it bbeen amended except in the minds of the religious leaders around the world throughout time.
  23. Jimmy Buffett? Am I missing a conection or some personal history here?
  24. Pretty potent stuff here: Major David J. R. Frakt's Closing Argument in Favor of Dismissal of the Case Against Mohammad Jawad (6/19/2008) On Feb 7, 2002, President Bush issued an order. The order stated, in pertinent part
  25. Most of my first listens have come as a result of me hearing or reading aboutbands and going out to pick up their latest release. (REM, Replacements, Husker Du, Radiohead among others) I heard Son Volt's Trace playing in a best buy and liked it enough to grab it. Wilco I heard for the first time when I saw them. Some I simply saw an album cover that made me want to hear what was inside (London Calling being the most obvious to come to mind) Others (beatles, stones, Dylan Pink FLoyd etc...) have just always been a part of my musical palette. I have no recolection of hearing them f
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