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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Here is that speech... IMHO it's pretty darn good. Good afternoon. Let begin by saying that although this has been billed as an anti-war rally, I stand before you as someone who is not opposed to war in all circumstances. The Civil War was one of the bloodiest in history, and yet it was only through the crucible of the sword, the sacrifice of multitudes, that we could begin to perfect this union, and drive the scourge of slavery from our soil. I don
  2. Very cool story. Its such an other worldly feeling to see someone you once knew up on stage when you were not expecting them... Its happen a couple of times with me. And I kind of got mesmerized listening to and watching these people I didn't knwo were quite so talented.
  3. I haven't read the article. What is the subject great guitar songs supposed to mean? Is it great grooves? Great lick? Influential guitar songs? Guitar songs showcasing great skills? I think I, or anyone here could come up with a listing of 100 songs under whatever criteria they give us for guitar and each have different lists with a lot of overlap. Like I said I have not read it yet, but I have not heard anyone mentioning Dinosaur Junior, or Jane's Addiction which I think both of them have a couple songs that I would include on a list I made up. Ditto for the Black Keys and (gasp the
  4. Two words...portion control. You can eat almost anything if you control the size of the portion. Other than that I love to eat steamed veggies all kinds.
  5. I live about 30 minutes west of Eastern. Totally forgot: Spinal Tap...#1 by far. Stop making Sense Live at Red Rocks (though it is very time-warpish now) Kids are Alright
  6. Rock & Roll movies? Great ones: Rock and Roll high School The Last Waltz No Direction home Gimmie Shelter Hard Day's Night Running Down a Dream Rust Never Sleeps & Weld High Fidelity (A Stretch) Elvis '68 Come Back Special OK/Good: Song Remains the Same Help Watch Me Jump Start Come Feel Me Tremble Ramones: Raw & End of the Century Yellow Submarine Rock & Roll Circus Rush Rock in Rio Kissology I II & III I am Trying to Break Your Heart Suck: Tommy Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
  7. That goes for most people on the board, yet do you state it to all of them? I didn't compare the Bush administration to Hitler's regime. They use many of the same propaganda methods and Rove has more than ably filled the Roll of Goebbels. The use of the same propaganda methods is pretty easy to see as is the role of Rove, so what's the problem? The problem is that the Third Reich was one of the most evil regimes in the history of man kind (I'll toss in Stalin, Mao and Pol-Pot into the mix, but Germany out did them all). If anyone used the methods of the third Reich they would be consider
  8. I agree. I wouldn't discuss politics with me either. I get pissed off at what has happened to my country, and get pissed off at people who support what has happened. I don't take this lightly. When I graduated college I enlisted in the military because I feel every one should serve in some way. I put off starting a career and family for 7 years because I thought it was that important. I tear up each and every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner played. I grew up a republican believing that governemnt intrusion into my life shoudl be kept to a minimum. Politics used to be this benign t
  9. I've long held that this administration was all about propaganda and that they defiantly used the most tried and true methods of the third Reich. The quote above reminds me of that and that Rove is as much an historical shadow off Goebbels as has ever existed. This is the false balance people are always looking for. They assume that the current administration is acting this way as a payback for the previous administration. When I read the original quote I took it to be the hyper partisanship started during the Clinton administration, but perpetrated by the republicans. It seems like t
  10. But the people hammering him right now would be saying see I told you so, nothing to hide here. My hole point was not one of judgement but pointing out the double standard. Besides what if he is telling the 100% unvarnished truth? I would imagine that if Bush came out with a book where he said yep, it's true I screwed everything up and laid out the evidence, his supporters would cry bull.
  11. McClellan stood to make a lot of money even if his book was totally complimentary of Bush. Self serving? I guess, but it is self serving either way you look at it. If that is how the book is going to be viewed then the standard has to be applied in both directions.
  12. I have it and like it. The songs all have a Nuggets feel to them. Also as you listen to them you can hear bits and pieces of songs that are very familiar to you. But not bits and pieces in a bad way. BJ Armstrong's vocals are far more varied than they are with GD. It's a fun little disc. Will you regret it? I don't know, but if you like Nuggets/Garage rock you shoudl like it. If this were not Green Day I would imagine more people would be talking about it because then the disc would not have the Green Day/clownishness stigma attached to it. I however do like Green Day, I think America
  13. Sounds like a good time. Thanks for the comments.
  14. Did any of you get out to see Local H last week when they played all of their albums at the beat kitchen? How was it? I got their new one, 12 angry months, and like it. It seems less like a local H album than I am used to. Lastly, not being a musical elitist I have to say that I do like the Foxboro Hottubs album, that's Green Day by the way. It has a very garage band feel to it, and many of the songs could easily fit on the Nuggets box set. I think they pulled it off nicely.
  15. Isn't this essentially what Limbaugh, Hannity, Oriely, Caoulter, Savage, Beck, North (Mike and Oliver), Fox News etc... does to nearly every topic regarding democrats? I think so, and they have been doing it for a good (bad?) 15 - 20 years now. Does not our president and vice president, who should both be above this sort of behavior, engage in the exact same behavior? It is what has kept the party going these last two administrations.
  16. They obviously do not state it as such however they make it painfully clear that the press shoudl know when to shut up or that certain papers or news outlets shoudl be shut down/sent to prison/banned, ditto for certain books. They let it be known that they hate technicalities in courts or as others might describe them...their rights. He no longer believes in the jury system or rather no longer trusts the jury syatem or our system of laws and is far more infavor of vigilantie justice for suspects. being a suspect is enough, the trial is a formality. When the notion of nto having anational r
  17. Savage gets to stay on the air because he gets a reaction. I would wager that a majority of Savage listeners are not right wingers too. I would imagine that if most of them sat down and quantified their thoughts and their own opinions/positions they might be closer to the middle. But they listen because radio people like savage tap into some innner anger some inner wrong real or imagined that these people have. He taps into it and is their outlet/megaphone/sounding board for unleashing it. My brother in law is a hard core right winger, has no use for the constitution (he won't say that bu
  18. Fortunately for him he has money and acess to the very best of medical care so his prognosis might be a bit better than the average person...depending on how far along the disease is already though. Hope all goes well for him regardless of how it turns out.
  19. Wow IKOL and I agree on something. Though I do think that government should have a little say in some marriages dealing with area's such as age of consent and close relatives/siblings etc marrying...and of course never issuing Larry King, Elizabeth Taylor or Tom Cruise another license to wed.
  20. So essentially it's like beer...drink it enough and I'll develop a taste? I've probably listened to it a dozen times or so and I hear the music as created and appreciate it for what it is(not necessarily in my aural palette), but I am still wondering what makes it a great guitar album, more so than say Metal Machine Music? I can hear the songs and structure in both Loveless and MMM, so that is not the problem for me. What I hear is a niche album for a very narrowly defined limited appeal niche.
  21. OK over the years I've heard people rave about My Bloody Valentine, Especially Loveless. It makes top whatever lists for being a great guitar album. I play a little but not enough to listen to something and be able to play it myself without being shown. So I can't just listen to MBV and translate it to playing. I have tried listening to Loveless many times and just don't get it. Is it the use of distortion? If so why not give Metal Machine Music the notoriety. Could someone explain this one to me? I understand music theory a bit so feel free to toss in some theory if it helps. This on
  22. Love my IPOD 80gb maybe 60 of it filled with music & movies, mainly music. My major problem with it is deciding what to listen to because it holds so much i.e. too many choices at my disposal. I have no problems adding and deleting music on it, it is really not that big of a chore. A also make play lists as the mood strikes me, which is often. I have about 1/2 of my music on it, so I still listen to CD's also, mainly in my car, while the IPOD I use everywhere. In the car I use an FM tuner tiny for listening to the POD and it works just fine for me.
  23. From what I have beeen told/read about Millenials, they do serve more whether it is the military or peace corps/americorps etc... Also they have more respect for older people than the couple of generatiosn before them. I found this to be highly unusual, but they think older people are cool. Don't know why though.
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