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Tweedy's Gurl

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Everything posted by Tweedy's Gurl

  1. looks like sunflowers to me.... edie, you have a beautiful house....i so have to come chill with you someday.
  2. this must be done: :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes :santarolleyes
  3. jeez....what can i do to make up for that?
  4. the shoes...the dress...she gets the thumbs up from me! ah, the trifecta:
  5. i hate to say it donna but.... teen recipes has been broken up for over a year now. i still claim heavy metal drummer though, because it's still my baby. i'll get a band together one of these days.
  6. are we doing actresses now? if so, i submit this lady: she just gets more and more gorgeous with age. (i love it when the girls take over this thread...it's very funny)
  7. some old school tina turner: (oh, come on, you should expect this of me by now.)
  8. aaah!!! donnatella has made an appearence!! this thread is complete!! however, the chick on her arm needs to eat something. and i'm not just saying that. really, that's not healthy or attractive.
  9. i was thinking about posting her...but i didn't know if you guys would approve or not.
  10. i know she's been mentioned earlier in this thread, but i'm quite infatuated with this person: she's not human...she's a pixie!
  11. this brings back memories for some reason...at least the board didn't die this time.
  12. ooooh... i always thought it was 'you show no long term goals' but that makes sense as well.
  13. where is 'short on longterm goals' from??
  14. it used to be called 'area 51' now it's called 'uhm...'.
  15. i need a real heir to my throne. she's 10 times cuter than bobbob, and probably smarter too.
  16. kidsmoke, you will always be my favorite vc mama. (seriously, though! bring alissa to chicago! i've got some stuff to discuss with her!)
  17. i think we should change the names of all the forums. for example: just a wilco someone else's wilco tongue-tied wilco after the wilco speakers speaking in wilco that sort of thing.
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