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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. until he took the wig off. and it was hard to see his eyes thru the bottom of an up-ended beer bottle, but yes. :love this is the wilco song equivalent to laying in a shaded hammock with a warm breeze blowing. boy, it's lovely. froggie: i am on the song vibe campaign for melbourne! whenever people get nostalgic about youth i remember all the shows i couldn't see b/c i was under 21. boy, that was a drag. these kids were a-ok!
  2. psst...more stuff in the "after the show" forum
  3. ok. WHEN YOU WAKE UP FEELING OLD!! i adore this song so. and i was among those who requested it for the show. WONDERFUL! about 2 songs in we could hear that jeff's voice was really rough. honestly, i thought they might have to call the show. not b/c he sounded bad, but it must have been painful. the band hasn't played here since 2005, so that might have influenced their decision not to cancel. they chose great songs that probably put less strain on jeff's throat. jeff encouraged the crowd to sing along, and there were a fair amount of people who obliged. (note: in all of c
  4. i found it on dvd last year and had to see it again! phil hartman!
  5. in the late 1980's, before it was a tv series, paul reubens was performing a live stage show called "pee-wee's playhouse." i worked in a video store when it came out on tape. it was in heavy in-store play rotation on the late night shift. one of the characters was named miss yvonne. edie mcclurg's character pronounced it miss y-von. the clerks at work dubbed me miss y-von. i changed it to ms. y-von and it has stuck. for more than 20 years now. it's even on my business cards.
  6. i've only been there a couple times but i love it!
  7. :love glenntion, i'll post any new songs we hear on monday!
  8. hey dave! there is a page on the wilco website: song request form!
  9. just reading the dialogue interchange between the toddler and grandmother made me soooooo glad that i have a little distance between my relatives and myself. some friends of mine in burbank have family on every block for about 4 blocks. whenever they can't come out b/c they have family plans, we tease them buy calling it a barn raising.
  10. dude, i was at bonnaroo in '04, too! i did make mmj's set. it was the first time i'd seen them live, and boy howdy, did they make an impression. before their show, i was napping under a tree with my friend, suzie. i woke up, woke her up to tell her i really wanted to see this band, and stumbled over to find a spot in the crowd.
  11. i will do my best not to kick over your virtual beer! i did not! you focus your vibes, i'll make a request. LET'S MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
  12. new festival! san francisco! king of thai noodle!
  13. i love me some live murray. hope they tour behind the new record.
  14. i've never heard local H, but i want to hear this: awesome!
  15. before the day is out i expect to have listened to every mmj album i have. it's just one of those kind of days! mike, have you heard the band's cover of "tyrone?" SPECTACULAR!!
  16. larylar, i'll be there! i'd forgotten about the request list! gonna have to go cast a ballot for either "when you wake up feeling old" or "always in love." fyi--i moved this thread to the just a fan forum as it's a pre-show roll call kind of thing. welcome to vc!
  17. perhaps you can take what was once referred to as a "disco nap" (9-11p).
  18. argh! rich that is killing! perhaps a trip to the states is in order. wendy, they are releasing a new record in june, so get ready for some tour dates! i'm sure they will fill in the dates between bonnaroo and radio city, too. i'm going to see them in houston ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! oooooh yeeesssssss!! set ponytail to "out of control!" (talk about your sweet sweet situation: wilco on friday, mmj on monday. sometimes, life is just that good *swoon!*)
  19. just listening to this, eating a sandwich in my living room and damn. about 5:20 in there is a crazy crescendo and jim lets loose a wail that went straight to my spine. what a gorgeous, haunting song this is. jeebus.
  20. have been binge listening to this for days now! can't decide if it's heartbreakingly sad or h-breakingly hopeful. i love the last track, "no regrets." doubt we'll ever get to see this one live, but one can hope! also: saw the two shows in my area last week. looks like after their european tour, they'll be touring the u.s. again in the summer. WOO! full disclosure: have been trying to talk myself out of seeing the two arizona shows. still not convinced i should stay home.
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