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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. from the peanut gallery: i once got terrible food poisoning from an unfiltered wheat beer. tres lame.
  2. luckies! i never did see them play. someday there'll be a cure for pain that's the day i throw my drugs a-WAY!
  3. come again? did i miss something in the fickerson world while away this summer?
  4. ah, sad news. this man was an artist. one of the reason one goes to the cinema.
  5. when you receive that i will come over with the aforementioned wings and beer and juice boxes for the kids.
  6. this thread could use some beer. and hot wings.
  7. re: andrew bird wendy told me last year: GO SEE HIM! i did, and had my (clean) socks blown off. i'll be at the show tonight, too! for the record: am wearing a green decemberists t-shirt and have shoulder length blond hair. if you see me, give a wave (wendy--i see the todd in your recently played list )
  8. looking forward to hearing this one! i love summer sun. amoeba records in l.a. has a giant album cover display over the store. brings to mind one of the classic onion articles: 37 Record Store Clerks Feared Dead in Yo La Tengo Concert Disaster
  9. wendy, there is ALWAYS a second leg. BE STRONG!
  10. as i was leaving work, i noticed a missed call on the cell phone. wonderful! wonderful! wonderful! that song was gorgeous at the los angeles show, too. ahh, wendy, thank you for making me part of what sounds like an amazing night!
  11. i saw nurfherder at the g.s. show here. i told him he should try to meet you on his visit to chicago. i was considering going to chicago at thanksgiving to see my morning jacket, then realized i'd be travelling at thanksgiving. don't know that i'm that hardcore. I AM DONE WITH WORK FOR TONIGHT! tune in tomorrow morning at 7:30 for more of "ms. yvon's workday jamboree!"
  12. might be time to rewrite the bylaws...
  13. fick, your avatar is killing hey! i'm also working on a deadline tonight! DEADLINE PARTY! YESS!
  14. fakeliz inspired comment about cherry-lime-ade, the biology of beer, and nickel creek sightings.
  15. first off: -i just read the last 4 pgs of the RTTTT in succession and laughed loud many times. -i did have to scroll quickly past the walking booty shot. (could've used a work-safe warning, there) thanks for bringing the funny today. I LOVE YOU GUYS! you gonna eat that?
  16. THAT'S what i had in mind. that packaging was much better.
  17. dear mr. c., what's for lunch today? your friend, hungry in hungrytown
  18. i just did a google search for "cheetos". all the cheetos packaging has that cheeto-mascot on it. lame.
  19. (i heard about this band on "wait, wait don't tell me)
  20. sweet jesus, this record sounds FANTASTIC!! i'm all aglow with the resonating tunes of mmj at the fillmore. also, got some nifty stickers. these will look great on my skateboard.
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