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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. holy smokes, lauren! relieved to hear that you all made it out unhurt. how terrifying. jesus.
  2. i picked up this shirt this am. when pledging support to a local college radio station. toast with nunchucks!! i am conflicted about the battered bacon, but TOUGH TOAST! a muffin with an eye patch!
  3. yes, but oddly enough, i don't use it unless it's a cobb salad. believe it or NOT!
  4. yum! i am considering the salad bar in the small commissary. it has blue cheese AND beets! will avoid biscotti as there may be some sort of epidemic.
  5. anyone know why the vc is experiencing the sudden deluge of spam? it's a bit on teh lame side. question 2: what's for lunch?
  6. i haven't noticed. a friend of mine is a recording mixer. he told me that he often mixes the lead guitar heavier in the left speaker in the temp mixes b/c the clients will listen to the mixes in their car. when they hear the guitar high in the mix, they are happy.
  7. i just heard the word "fontanelle" in this new decemberists' song
  8. yes! i ended with some very fun stuff in my apt. after the displays came down in the store. a six foot tall foam core bugs bunny comes to mind...and a david byrne standee from "true stories" i'd forgotten about the "open til midnight 365 days a year" business.
  9. re: the los angeles show: i hope william h. macy shows up to sing along on "blue christmas." maybe...joe henry will show up and cook a chicken dinner for us all!
  10. ahh! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OATMEAL! hope it was a swell one!
  11. the tower records in campbell, ca was my hangout in high school. bought all my records there. after high school, i got a job there. stopped by the old store while in town last summer and talked to three of the clerks i'd worked with who were still working there. the original owners sold the interest to a conglomerate awhile ago. they didn't have any jonathan richman. the clean-cut young girl working the counter didn't know who louis armstrong was. back in the 1980's tower was a TERIFFIC company to work for. unusual, fun and strong. i've been missing the old company for a long time.
  12. ahh, narz. echoing sentiments posted by others: finding vc (through that wilcoworld link) has led me to some wonderful people and experiences. thank you for all of your creativity, time and work. damn. we'll miss you something awful. oh, and i don't know that you were responsible, but during one of the vc renovations i requested a coffee cup smilie. that SAME DAY, this appeared: what's not to love, i ask you.
  13. how nice of her to post that here!
  14. damn. sounds like a fab show!! mystery train!
  15. i don't think i've heard that song since about 1987. just a guess. this is why we have shuffle!
  16. deepsea, your halloween avatar is rocking the casbah. gonna have to get on this bandwagon...
  17. things i know and love about jflick: -she will often change the names of the threads she creates. KEEPS THINGS LIVELY!!
  18. not at all! can you wait til tomorrow? (i'm without proper ipod -> cpu connectors)
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