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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. i just spent a little time considering what things might be like if you had no avatar, oceanman. i would miss it, to be sure.
  2. and with this post, friends, i bid you good night. ps. jen--your current user name is my favorite! and allison: the secret to the sun salutations is to move with your breath or something. good luck!
  3. you still hooking up the dipped cones at the DQ?
  4. i got the answer key from a guy i know. for the multiple choice section, the answers are as follows: a--XLR cable d--increase the memory allocation b--frequency c--sub-frame shift c--16 channel mixer a--Krakow, Poland b--re-import the file, re-cut into track i'll get back to you on the essay portion. something to do with "Henny Penny."
  5. when given a choice, always ALWAYS go with ted knight.
  6. the tension level in this film was crazy! i forgot to look for sir s. on the subway train. will have to wait for the dvd so we can get a time code number for best spotting.
  7. dude, if you know any editing elves perhaps they can hook me up with some assintant-editing elves. get back to me. WAY TO LAY DOWN THE LAWN, BJORN!
  8. now executing the LONGEST RENDER EVAH! also: mr. sir stevart: i brought that matthew sweet/susannah hoffs cover of the neil song in. i will learn the you-send-it ropes and get it to you. REALLY!
  9. i'll give you three guesses where i'll be over thanksgiving weekend! i might have to knit a special scarf for the occasion...a CTA themed number?
  10. ok. back to work with me! gonna micro wave this almond latte and get down to business!!
  11. LOVE this record! scythian empires is fantastic! i was at largo the night they recorded the one song from there. (i thought it was "dear dirty", but now i'm not sure...)
  12. i am still all a-flutter from this show! another jb quote in re: gillian: "how about our fucking drummer!" benmont after "stop draggin' my heart around": he turned on the piano bench, slowly nodded his approval then pronounced that it was, "pretty damn good." add to all this the dizziness experienced by the NEW MENU (!) items and pints of Bass, it made for one heady evening. great to see gillian and david so loose and informal, too. my one disappointment: no banjo. alas.
  13. i am considering having breakfast for lunch.
  14. today is my 7th work day in a row. HUAH!! also, i am lamenting that i didn't get to the commissary to get bacon this morning. you win some, you lose some.
  15. chow-dy all! i'm working all weekend, so i'll probably be skulking round the rtt! off to hear some groovy tunes!
  16. i often ask myself that question. grad school. movie magic. i will add that it was commercial radio. so, there was a bit of compromise happening there. update: 350 songs to go! going to go freshen up, come back and shut this sucker down! FUN FACT: on jeff tweedy's soon to be released DVD he plays the university in humboldt, my alma mater. from the trailer, looks like the crew shot some footage of the areas surrounding where jeff played. maybe you'll get to see some of it.
  17. that looks fantastic! i used to work at a radio station that was in the middle of a marsh/bird sanctuary in humboldt. one of the dj's kept binoculars at the window so we could check out the birds during songs. my current neighborhood gets a variety of hawks! i live close to griffith park, which has a lot of wild area. update: still raining, 600 songs to go!
  18. am hopeful: i want to leave work in about 40 min, but i am reloading the old ipod, and it's got about 620 songs left to go. WILL I GET TO LEAVE ON TIME?! tune in about 7pm to find out!
  19. oblivious, what part of town are you in? in in culver city. i'm shocked and delighted that's it's been raining for at least 20 min! any chance you're going to largo tonight? kids dig egrets AND herons!
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