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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. from whence have you returned?
  2. wow, lots of XTC this morning! next 5: -It's So Easy--Buddy Holly -Marie Provost--Nick Lowe -Pecan Pie--Golden Smog -Everybody Knows This is Nowhere--Matthew Sweet & Susannah Hoffs -I Like to Riff--Nat King Cole Trio bonus! -Walter Johnson--Jonathan Richman
  3. -This here--Ray Charles -Sacrificial Bonfire--XTC -Raising the Stakes--Groove Armada -Still at Home--Luna -Try/Love Rain remix--Jill Scott
  4. shuffled up this am for: -Odalisque--Decemberists -Missed the Point--Neko Case -Devil's Haircut--Beck -Spook--Galaxie 500 -All We Ever Look For--Kate Bush
  5. bridget, i've had some similar crowd experiences. at a death cab show, ben g. came out solo for an encore. the drunk man next to me, who was making out with his girlfriend THE ENTIRE SHOW yelled, "I LOVE THIS SONG! THIS IS WHY I CAME TO THE SHOW!" and talked during the whole thing. last night at band of horses, after 5 songs worth of drunken conversation from a couple next to me, i asked them to be quietER. i got a slurred, "this is OLD SCHOOL....mrrrgggh rock and roll SHOW" from a woman. her mate got the message, and moved her away after she continued to talk. man alive. i've nev
  6. perm: overnight tv ratings can be found at zap2it.com (sorry this isn't a link. having a bit of lameness with the network here tonight...)
  7. ahh, terrifying. good thoughts for safe return to paul and his family.
  8. congratulations perm!! it's a rare thing to have network production come to you out there, and an altogether different thing to have GOOD tv come to you. great to read such a glowing review of the show, too. i have a friend who is an assistant editor on the show. if he gives your boss any grief about changes that can't be made, let me know. i wish you a successful season and an early pick-up!
  9. whew! ok, so he's playing london. i just looked at the above list, didn't see it there, thought we'd dropped the ball. maudie, is your poster green as well? i must say i had the BEST time last weekend. soup to nuts. i am still pooped, but having no regrets!
  10. small joys: found a super cool independent record store not too far from my pad this weekend. it's been there for years, i've just never been in. they have a small selection, but what there is is cherch! fact: they had 5 different luna albums in stock. FIVE! and multiple copies of some.
  11. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRIDGET!! hope you had a swinging time!
  12. forgot to mention: bought a poster at the show last night. in the bar it looked silver and black. i liked the design, but would have liked a different color combo. this morning, after i'd returned to l.a., as i was putting the sleeved poster into the trunk of my car, i decided to get a good look at it. turns out, it was green and black! who knew?! so, neat!
  13. andrew, we went to night one at the make-out room last night. jojo played an abbreviated set, but explained that he's suffering from a callous of sorts on his vocal chords. among the songs we were treated to: -when harpo plays his harp -les etoiles -men and women fight b/c sometimes they must -vincent van gogh -the lovely salvador dali song -let her go into the darkness (laundromat! laundromat! laundromat!) after the show (hey, that's the name of another forum...) we asked mr. r. to sign our super-cool posters. we told him that our friend andrew would be seeing him during the englan
  14. indeed. this thread is worth bumping if only to hip people to the donation link. nice work, granville!
  15. you know that feeling you get when you've got a lot of work to do, but can't do it because the machinery you need to use is being used by someone else. all day. i am so ANSY right now i am this close to breaking out my knitting right here at my desk.
  16. it's that time again: me--> + = (charlos, please pardon the gratuitous use of smilies. )
  17. wow, nat, didn't know that you'd left the apprenticeship. i hope the post-interview discusssion swings your way!
  18. wonderboys--michael chabon dandelion wine--ray bradbury franny & zooey--jd salinger grapes of wrath--j. steinbeck any and all jeeves & wooster--pg wodehouse. i read these over and over. just about every night.
  19. my co-worker is playing a grateful dead show. i'm having all kinds of wonderful flashbacks.
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