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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. where did everyone go? it's only 3:45 on the west coast. what is there a carbon monoxide leak in this thread?
  2. i hadn't even considered that. of course! and yes, i was making this face during the "gimme shelter" portion of the show, too.
  3. caliber! over here! don't be sad! FULL DISCLOSURE: i just spent my 7000th post in a thread about a Genesis reunion. i just wasn't paying enough attention.
  4. maybe this explains why "blood on the rooftops" has been in my head for DAYS now. i'm in the trick of the tail, and then there were 3, duke genesis era, myself. holy cow. this is my 7000th post. and it's in a genesis thread.
  5. lovely! we're experiencing the 'santa ana winds' weather here. it's about 80 degrees out, but with the sun low in the horizon, and breezy. brilliant hammock weather.
  6. have you guys covered the whole, "it's friday!" thing yet? just curious. ( )
  7. andrew, what a wonderful review of the show! your description of j's dropping the guitar to his side-doe eyes-hip swivel and the response that generates is right on the money. you got "give paris.."!!! what a treat! i'm sorry to hear that he's still so under the weather with his vocal chords callus. hmm. he didn't say if it was painful, or just something to be treated. christ, i hope he's not uncomfortable with it AND touring. man.
  8. AWE-SOME! we were right there with you in spirit dcd.
  9. my stream pooped out right in the middle of the "nothings." i got back in as the NPR host was wrapping the night. what a great night! made me nostalgic for my own varied 9:30 experiences (i met sean!)
  10. my signal just crapped out in the middle of all the nothings!! i need that last nothing at all release! OH MAN!
  11. i would be no good at this... DONNA! would you like some pistachios?
  12. wow! some very rootsy country harmonies on this !!
  13. new members bring the beer! welcome!
  14. i'm listening with headphones, and have the mets/cards game on the tv. how long has it been raining? also, i'm still at work. WOTTA GIG!
  15. it's been at least a year since i've seen the whole band play together. can i just say i am blown away right now. CAN'T WAIT FOR NOVEMBER!@
  16. heidi, i'm afraid your stand by checca was given the chop. however, there are some crazy new items in the appetizers list, including something warm with goat cheese...i don't remember the details.
  17. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FROGGIE!! to celebrate your birthday, please uncork my current favorite wine: from Australia, no less. spectacular
  18. i have decided to eat only stuff that is good for me for the next week. i've been working 12+ hour days for the last 10 days. i look beat to cheese. must do something to feel better. i was just dozing off in the edit bay. my editor turned to get my reaction to some changes he was making and said, "no falling asleep, evonne." totally caught!
  19. kind of wish i'd bought a cookie at lunch. rats.
  20. dude, i am starting on this paper TONIGHT!
  21. once you select edit on the first post, you can edit the topic headers. (just making it a little clearer) also, yesterday evening at work, my editor played the martin sheen to my mark wahlberg when one of the bosses came in to discuss whether "overtime is in the budget"
  22. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENDY!!!1 from your friends in new jersey! and from him too: (the cigarette is just a prop. kids, don't smoke! ) wendy--i know that your day got off to a rockin pre-sale start! am looking forward to all the planning and finally getting to see you in november!
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