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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I'm more concerned with what Edwards did as a lawyer and Senator than as a husband, so yeah, he's still kind of a dick.
  2. No, it's a pretty reasonable statement (though the usage of "best" requires a value judgment). I just don't see why taking those individual conservation measures (which the government does not control) precludes also allowing more oil to be drilled (which the government does control).
  3. I rounded up/didn't read the article. It's not like anything Time Magazine prints is worth much. Mathlete.
  4. So, what you're saying is that it would be twice as good to do both?
  5. I wasn't accusing you of making such reductions, though you appear to be selective in your outrage towards that type of thing. I've noticed several McLames/McSames go by uncorrected on this board.
  6. That cartoon version of Obama is just a tactic to get gullible undecideds (such as NASCAR fans who are low on the evolutionary scale) to vote for McLame. What they don't realize is that McSame (in addition to being the retroactive reincarnation of Bush) is actually really old and thus unqualified to be President (at least until the a few years from now when 130% of our population is really old and will thus be forced to rely on a President willing to invest trillions of dollars in developing a time machine so they can kidnap their younger selves from the past and tax them to fund Social Securi
  7. Have a great bourgeois birthday!
  8. But to do that, we'd have to get rid of oppressive tariffs on cane sugar.
  9. I just like how every other day there's a news story linking some current or future problem to global warming. There was recently one saying that climate change will lead to an increase in kidney stones. They need to write an article about how global warming will lead to an increase in bad journalism.
  10. It's, "How do you look at yourself in the mirror?" Get it right.
  11. OK, I'll start by getting a 20-room mansion!
  12. Something tells me you totally don't understand.
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