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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I think a Mike Huckabee/Joe Biden ticket would be awesome.
  2. That sounds like something Hitler would say.
  3. Update: it's 36 right now in Montana!
  4. I'm in Montana right now, and it's been in the 40s and 50s.
  5. So don't vote for her, Canadian.
  6. Same here, except I have a Freedom press.
  7. Anything that leads to less exposure to Rachel Ray can't be all bad.
  8. I've had like 3000 pee shivers since I said this.
  9. JFK spent his presidency doped up on drugs and on the brink of death from Addison's disease.
  10. http://www.imeem.com/weezer
  11. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20080523/D90RBK0O0.html I think it's irrelevant, too, which is why I don't see what the big deal is with how McCain is releasing his.
  12. So when are Clinton and Obama releasing their medical records?
  13. Is it a conservative or a liberal tumor? I need to know before I can decide if it's a bad thing.
  14. The fact that there are fewer of them only makes them better candidates for island isolation (unfortunately not sans mosquitoes since they look down on DDT).
  15. Exactly. And if you have no respect for the kind of people on the right that do that sort of thing, why would you engage in that kind of rhetoric from the left?
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