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Everything posted by redpillbox

  1. What I don't understand is why everyone is so willing to forgive/trust/accept that the Others could ever be redeemed (much like Michael). All the Juliette-apologists as it were. No matter what she/The Others end up doing (their intentions and whatnot) they have plotted, manipulated, kidnapped, murdered and just generally treated the Losties as less than human, scientific experiments.
  2. Yeah, that Art Thiel piece is ridiculous. The P.I. is a joke for sports coverage. I do like the sportswriters at the Times (Steve Kelley, Larry Stone). I'll be at the game tonight rooting hard against your A's -- but when the A's make it to the playoffs again this year (Seriously, I look at their lineup EVERY year and say "no way" you can't win with a first baseman by the name of Dan Johnson. I don't understand how they do it, but I've now given myself over to Beane-ball) I will root for them again.
  3. I would just like to say that the Mariners have already equaled their win total against the A's from last year. Is it too much to read a lot of hope into this statement?
  4. Nice. Thanks for the tips. I'll definitely check "Alligator" out. I'll start there.
  5. 1. Marie Antoinette 2. Ishtar 3. The Beach 4. Match Point 5. Super Babies: Baby Geniuses 2
  6. I got to say...I hadn't heard of these guys before a couple of weeks ago. Really digging this album ('Slow Show' is my most immediate favorite). I'm ready to go into their back catalog...it sounds like the consensus is that "Alligator" is their best? Should I start there? What the band's story? Cheers.
  7. I just finished a book called "Star of the Sea" by Joseph O'Conner. I really good read. It's a historical novel that comments on politics and class; partially being set in Ireland during the potato famine. Sounds like a slog, but there's are murderous underpinnings.
  8. In my opinion Locke has become an irredeemable dumbass. That's just my opinion though. He used to be badass, now he just seems like a fumbling fool. Ok, nevermind the fact that there's a dangerous prisoner on the floor that you need to guard and could actually be grilling for real information...let's get back to the fun game of chess....hehehehe..."I won, yeah for me." Let's push 77 and see what happens. KAblooey.
  9. I'm curious....What was Jeff's response to Kristen's original request of "Venus Stop The Train"?
  10. I thought "Keep the Car Running" was great. The first song they performed was mired in sound problems though...and I know people hate on Regine's vocals (I've never been onboard with that)....I got to say, however, that her back-up vocals on "Intervention" were cringe-worthy. All told though, I thought it was an impressive set.
  11. Hey guys, sounds like you had an amazing time and what a setlist. I was wondering if he made a specific point not to play any of the new tunes off the record, or if it was a simple matter of your requests or....? Congrats on a great experience.
  12. As the phrase "Sky Blue Sky" comes from the song "Lullaby For Rafters and Beams" (retitlted "Sky Blue Sky"?) I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that it makes the cut.
  13. Yeah, check out the producer's Q & A link that A-man posted. They address the very question of the monster and how it can take various forms.
  14. I really enjoyed the documentary. What kills me is the Tweedy-sung clip of 'Birds and Ships' they play. I would love to have a copy of that song as interpreted by Wilco.
  15. Thanks for the info. Too bad no Seattle, but oh well. Hopefully they don't shoot for too large of venues. It's been well documented that U2's manager Paul McGuinness, on their first tours of America, purposefully played smaller venues, so they would sell out every show and would create a strong buzz so that the next time around the market would be on fire. That seems like a savvy way to do it.
  16. Really agree with everyone's disbelief at the two new characters. To recap: 1) They kill off the biggest badass on the show (Eko), 2) They completely ignore major characters plotlines (Charlie/Charlie's Girl/Baby (anyone remember the "curse" of her baby?), Rose/Bernard, hello...Michael and Walt???) or made them completely one-dimensional (read: Charlie becoming the most insufferable whiner, Hurley's obligatory "Dude" comment) AND 3) added two more characters???? 3b) introduced them so poorly it was cringe-worthy. Like someone else said, we can only hope they use them as polar bear bai
  17. The guy is a misguided tool, but I have to say, that The Walkmen show I went to was one of the worst shows I've ever seen....It was "Blade" bad....meaning, it was so bad while taking itself so seriously, it went beyond mere boredom back to a place of entertaining merriment at the complete laughability of the whole thing.
  18. (raises hand) The screen I get still says something like "tracks will be available soon" -- I don't see any track names. For those that do...What songs are included? edit: I'm also curious to know if songs are included without the dialogue...i.e. "Family Gardener" -- the DVD song has dialogue over the ending.
  19. My votes go to the following: "Philadelphia" Neil Young (mentioned) "From a Shell" Lisa Germano "La Cienaga (Just Smiles)" Ryan Adams (mentioned) and "Hallelujah" Cover by Jeff Buckley edited to include: Joni Mitchell's "The River"
  20. So Desmond travels through time? or sees the future? Someone please give a plausible explanation.
  21. "Summer comes and gravity undoes you/ You're happy because of the lovely way the sunshine bends" --Not For the Season/Laminated Cat p.s. subquestion: most head-scratching "what-the-hell" lyrical moment? mine: "take off your bandaid 'cause I don't believe in touchdowns"--I've got NO idea what that means.
  22. Couple of interesting parts of that episode: Like Aman mentioned, the fact that Ben said he'd lived his whole life on the Island. Does this mean, his life as "Ben"? He could be lying obviously to mess with Jack's head. He's a known liar. The most interesting line to me in the show was when Ben said to Juliette, "You never brought ME soup." Which could simply be a husband/wife on the rocks thing, OR suggest that Ben was once in Jack's same position...which would make sense...the Others trying to recruit Jack into their cult. Jack is being kept separate from Kate and Sawyer and Ben has m
  23. Well, actually your post is filled with inaccuracies, but your gusto sure echoes all the lame uber-critical negativity that overwhelms music criticism today, of which you say you dislike. See attached link: http://www.rollingstone.com/reviews/album/240156/being_there That is actually the review RollingStone gave "Being There" and I remember reading it at the time...it getting the coveted first review and prime billing. You'll notice they actually name drop "No Depression" in the review. This review was actually written by Greg Kot of IATTBYH fame and is informative and well-written. I
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