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Elixir Sue

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Everything posted by Elixir Sue

  1. This thread is blowing my mind. My face keeps lighting up, especially with these:
  2. The Black Keys - Attack and Release. Really enjoying it, and after 3 or 4 listens I can say I like it a lot more than Magic Potion, but not as much as Rubber Factory.
  3. Me too. Of course, that was after I finally outgrew reading every one of these I could get my hands on:
  4. Hmm, this has piqued my interest. Looking forward to see what other bands they add to the lineup.
  5. For the longest time, I wasn't a Nels fan (as my earlier posts in this thread reflect), but the last few Wilco shows I've seen and/or heard have completely changed my mind. Hopefully his tenure in Wilco will be long and prolific.
  6. Aw yeah...responsible for flooding many a room and raising my dad's anxiety level on numerous occasions.
  7. Happy birthday to Chuck, Barbie, and Jean!
  8. I didn't know he had done this one solo, thanks for posting the link.
  9. Got the vinyl today. I didn't think it could sound any more beautiful, but it does.
  10. This is worrying news...only a couple more shows before he gets a little break.
  11. There's a show in Lexington on 4/19...I'll go check it out. Thanks for the heads-up!
  12. Well, I'm glad I didn't risk it, then!
  13. Thanks for posting this video, Heidi. Very cool - I'd love to have a meal there someday!
  14. I wanted to see them this weekend (tonight or tomorrow night), but it looks like this storm will keep me from it.
  15. While I have been working out more lately, I don't think I'd survive this event. First, the run...the longest distance I've ever gone was 2 miles, and that was back in high school. I could maybe make it a half-mile before having a heart attack. Second, I don't own a bike. Finally, I could probably make it through the swimming portion, but not quickly. I think the best place for me would be next to the outlet mall, alongside Poppydawn, with a beer and one of those little handheld fans.
  16. Were you unhappy with the Mini? Part of me wants to get one someday, but based purely on looks...I've never even been inside one.
  17. Mine is a picture of Jack White, because I am a fan of his work.
  18. This is still making me giggle. Edit: Nice one, 2bobs.
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