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Elixir Sue

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Everything posted by Elixir Sue

  1. Oh, I respect him (and god knows I respect Kucinich), but I'd like to see his supporters' votes going towards the front-runners at this point.
  2. No offense to him, I'm ready for Richardson to get the fuck out of the race.
  3. That's a good way to look at it.
  4. I'm a bitter-ender too, but...
  5. True. It is a little harsh to put it at the end like that...everybody looked ready to pass out by then.
  6. I'm behind the times on this. Is it just like Scrabble?
  7. Didn't they have Gladiators waiting below to "hold" them down there until they were allowed to climb back up? I can't quite remember. I do know that the inclined conveyor belt on the old series didn't have ropes to help the contenders climb up.
  8. What terrible news. My heart goes out to Natalie's friends and family.
  9. Wtf is wrong with Kentucky? This is getting ridiculous.
  10. I saw that a couple nights ago and really loved it.
  11. Sorry I missed this thread...hope you had a great birthday!
  12. Happy birthday!!! Hope it's a great one.
  13. I've really slacked off in terms of listening to new music this year. I'll have to get back on the wagon in 2008.
  14. Has anybody else not received their discbox yet?
  15. We tried for an hour...nothing available. I know many people are in the same boat, but if anyone has an extra pair for Friday or Saturday, please PM me!
  16. If I get to go to one of these, I hope I get the one with Shouldn't Be Ashamed, Say You Miss Me, We're Just Friends, Radio Cure, and Hell is Chrome. Edit: Oh, and without Handshake Drugs.
  17. I like it, but mostly from And I should take care! to the end.
  18. I'd be pretty damn ecstatic if I got to hear The High Heat.
  19. I can't afford this right now...Christmas shopping has decimated my bank account. Good luck to everybody buying tickets!
  20. Oh, man. I don't get Presidents day off, so I don't know if I could swing all 5 shows...but I'd really love to.
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