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Elixir Sue

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Everything posted by Elixir Sue

  1. I love Jack as a matador, but meh...I don't like the video. Still can't wait to hear those Beck collaborations, though.
  2. It takes me about an hour to drive to work, so I think it'd be really nice to have. Oooh, I want those too! Also, Super Mario Galaxy is really fun.
  3. Real paper books are still working well for me...I think I'll pass.
  4. Feist opened for Bright Eyes on their tour a year or two ago. Other than the iPod commercial, that's pretty much the extent of my exposure to Feist, and I wasn't impressed. Maybe I'll give the albums a chance someday.
  5. Where did I say I dislike him? I just think Pat could fill that role (texture and harmony), play keys, AND play guitar. Not necessarily at the same time, though.
  6. I can live with that, too...bring on the Power Trio!
  7. I like some of what Nels adds...Ashes of American Flags comes to mind...but I wouldn't mind if the lineup were Jeff, John, Pat, and Glenn. Sorry Mikael and Nels.
  8. It's a good way to find friends from high school and college that you've lost touch with...and it's a lot less crappy than myspace, IMO.
  9. Same here. I've become slightly addicted to facebook, and I just joined about a week ago.
  10. Have you beaten the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials yet? That thing's a bitch. Ohhh, and have you downloaded Super Mario: The Lost Levels?? It's awesome to have all those new levels to play, but it's so freakin' hard!
  11. Happy birthday, Wendy!! Sounds like you have a fabulous birthday week lined up!
  12. Me too, except in the car. That's still In Rainbows' domain.
  13. That sounds like something I could get behind. I usually stick with the sausage/mushroom combo, deep dish OR thin.
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