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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X-yqPhItr8
  2. The Euro leftists have had a long fascination with anarchy. Nothing like a bunch of spoiled, rich kids marching in the street to get my sense of irony and loathing for the spawn of the middle class in full force.
  3. Taylor Hanson certainly has the pipes. Good stuff...too bad these guys can't shake the success of Um Bob
  4. That would go under the heading of "Extra special cool"
  5. Yeah..there's nothing that works like a little senseless violence and vandalism in changing people's minds.
  6. Springsteen Wilco Surprising (to me)...upon reflection Pearl Jam Alejandro Escovedo U2 The Beatles Radiohead I'm definitely not cool...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.
  7. The Phillies are counting on the Mayans being right and the world coming to an end in December 2012 The really amazing thing is the Yankees were the third place finisher here...
  8. You really are a grinch. Pomplamoose is a really cute, quirky little internet band. I've been following them for a year or so and find them utterly charming.
  9. Gives a whole new spin to the old BOOMER SOONER.
  10. Nihilism and egocentricity are an unattractive and deadly combination.
  11. Don't want to get involved with leaks. Don't want to be disappeared like Sgt. Manning
  12. Highlights my general contempt for British punk (except for the Clash). It was all a pose and just another avenue for campy dress and behavior. New York City punk was the real deal.
  13. I have a feeling I have been censored...Seriously.
  14. Not looking to piss anyone off but... The Grateful Dead. Like the idea of a band as extended family/gang and the rabid following. Like the idea of extended shows that ofter feature nuggets from the past. However...Not really keen on the jammy/acid rock/leftover 60's vibe. I would say Son Volt...but I find I like the band and like Jay. I am just very often underwhelmed by them.
  15. The coconut effect I shall taunt you Some call me...Tim
  16. Just wait until she gets out of law school...no one will be safe
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