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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Here are what your peers (i.e. Beatles fans) determined: http://www.turnmeondeadman.net/AWA/Results.php THE ABRIDGED WHITE ALBUM Results Side 1 Back in the USSR 2:43 Dear Prudence 3:56 While My Guitar Gently Weeps 4:45 Happiness Is a Warm Gun 2:43 I'm So Tired 2:03 Blackbird 2:18 I Will 1:46 Julia 2:54 Side 2 Birthday 2:42 Revolution 1 4:15 Sexy Sadie 3:1
  2. Some REALLY hard choices when limited to 2 sides of a maximum of 25 minutes.
  3. Submit Your Own Single-LP White Album The panel on the left contains all of the tracks on the White Album, along with three others that the Beatles recorded at that time but did not release. Select tracks from the left panel and move them to either side 1 or side 2 with the ">>>" buttons. You can remove tracks with the " Abbreviated song titles ...Bungalow Bill The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill ...Guitar Gently Weeps While My Guitar Gently Weeps Happiness...Warm Gun Happiness Is a Warm Gun ...Do It in the Road? Why Don't We Do It in the Road? ...Me and My Monkey Everybod
  4. Create Your Own Single-LP White Album Hard to improve on perfection...one can waste hours trying to come up with a reasonable alternative
  5. Just what exactly is the statute of limitations on spoilers? Jay Davidson in the Crying Game...safe to refer to or not? Bruce Willis in the Sixth Sense...safe to refer to or not? John Hurt in Alien...safe to refer to or not? Tim Robbins in Mystic River...safe to refer to or not? I say that if it happened in a movie...once it hits the video store and cable tv...it's fair game. For TV...once two weeks have passed...fair game. This is the wild and wooly internets...Al Gore didn't create it so we would have to use the stupid spoiler space for something that happened on a cable network show a
  6. Sweet Fancy Moses. Did somebody actually send you this shit? Beyond the obvious, it is not even historically accurate for Hitler.
  7. With the cost of retiree benefits running at c. $2000 per car, one can see the implications and fallout.
  8. Interesting school endowment figures. Between the Universtiy of Texas System and The Texas A&M University System and Foundations, the endowments total $16,574,876,000 in 2005 and $22,204,000,000 in 2006 With the escalating price of oil and natural gas, I imagine the figures for 2008 and 2009 with be significantly greater. 2005 Top 15 Public University Endowments 2006 University Endowment figures State of Texas Permanent University Fund However, a University's endowment does not equate Football success... 2008 Big 12 Football Standings North Big 12 Overall Missouri 5-2 9
  9. No...that would be MY OWN WORST ENEMY. Jumped the shark 15 minutes into the first episode.
  10. Great...now I am the great cynic. America is proficient in devouring heroes that are perceived (rightly or wrongly) to have failed them. I hope and pray that grace and intelligence are more than enough. But with all the expectations piled on his shoulders, he is bound to disappoint (and possibly enrage) many. I hope to G-d that is a combination of Lincoln and both Roosevelts.
  11. My main point is those proclaiming 'hosannah' will be among the first to shout 'crucify him'.
  12. I will restate my opinion and position. Barack Obama was a very savy, very attractive candidate who ran the most perfect campain in modern history. He seems to have a grasp on the pertinent issues and the energy to pursue his agenda. However, the lionization and 'the chosen one' aspect that the media portraying is very disturbing. I may be beating a dead horse (but what the fuck...that doesn't stop any of you), but this song always runs through my mind when I see the Barack Obama superstar portrayed. My mind is clearer now At last All too well I can see Where we all Soon will be If you
  13. Yes it has been done before...but avatars change. I suggest we post the avatars we are explaining: I am a fan of the geico cavemen. Thus I created the somewhat witty screen name also.
  14. The Masked Avenger? Haven't seen him for a year or more. He ought to be out of jail by now.
  15. She sure is getting a lot more play and face time after a major loss than John Edwards of Dan Quayle...
  16. I think the hard part is after the waxing...giggigty giggity
  17. Abraham Lincoln a conservative? Really? Republican did not always equal Conservative.
  18. Obama was the best organized Obama raised more money Obama eschewed public financing Obama ran the perfect campaign Obama deftly turned the tables on the Republican campaign by turning ever question into a smear. He anti-switboated the Republicans...well done sir. If Obama is as good a president as he was a campaigner...Katy bar the door.
  19. Now if I could just get some kind soul to email this story to Downtown. She'd kill me if I emailed it.
  20. Grapevine pastor wants married couples to have sex every day for a week Hell...if I followed through on that...I'd need a splint. 02:12 PM CST on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 By ROY APPLETON / The Dallas Morning News rappleton@dallasnews.com God may have rested on the seventh day, but the Rev. Ed Young wants married couples to have sex all week long. Fellowship Church pastor Rev. Ed Young preaches a sermon dealing with sex while sitting on a bed at the Grapevine church. Rev. Young is issuing a challenge this Sunday for married couples to have sex on seven straight days. View larger Mo
  21. I think 'white guilt votes' are as much of a chimera as the 'Bradley affect'. Obama ran the best organized, best funded, most on point Political campaing in the history of the world. Even if he doesn't prove to affect the social and political change that is desired, he has changed the face of politcal campaigns forever.
  22. My internet skills must be diminishing...I found it interesting also. As a political scientist, I find these sort of things worthy. I am probably just feeling a bit cranky today...not much sleep last night and no breakfast. Plus...see my above response to Brother Teddy.
  23. Hmmm...a little self examination may be called for here. Pushy? Doubtful. I am more of the passive aggressive type. Bossy? Never really considered that point. But bossy just doesn't seem to fit. Fussy maybe. Unfriendy? I rather think of myself as being an asshole...I am very friendly, just more than a bit unpleasant at times.
  24. Don't mince words...are you pointing out the racial componant of this election in the deep South? I would feel better if we simply accepted that Obama won overwhelmingly and moved on. I don't have to be wrong for you to be right.
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