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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I thought the skewering of Olbermann was decently funny. Actually, it was pretty scathing.
  2. I went dressed as a 47 year old white guy who has lost all hope... Wait.. That's what I dress as EVERY day.
  3. Didn't see this Thursday night... Very nice...very fun...very tuneful... This bodes well for the upcoming release Are you under the impression, This isnt your life, Do you dabble in depression, Someone twisting a knife in your back, Are you being attacked, Oh this is a fact, That you need to know, Oh, oh, oh, oh Wilco, Wilco, Wilco will love you Baby When times getting tough, All the roads you travel rough, Have you had enough uh-oh, Tired of being exposed to the cold, Stare at your stereo, Put on your headphones, Dont pull out your hair, Colbert, Colbert, Colbert will love you baby
  4. ...I don't know if I can tell you in a public forum
  5. I don't think McCain supporters are big followers of Radiohead...
  6. I wouldn't want me as an employee...but I would want me as a friend.
  7. Heh...you would have a stroke if you saw my office. I group by type of music...then have separated into stacks of stuff I recenly listened to...then have the new stuff sitting on top...then have the stuff I loaded to iTunes on top of that.
  8. Race is a factor. But it is only one of many factors.
  9. If you keep picking at it...it'll never heal
  10. The Biggest WTF moment that has gotten no play. Biden seems determined to follow in the footsteps of every Democratic candidate since 1980 (outside of Clinton) and snatch defeat from the Jaws of victory. ABC News
  11. If the proclaimations in a Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial (or opinon piece...never can keep the distinction straight) of imminent race and class war if Obama loses and the cited hyperbolic praise doesn't give you pause...well...so be it. Americans tend to deal with and judge harshly those that we put on a pedestal.
  12. Support whomever or whatever you want...just calm down!
  13. I think Obama is a very intelligent, interesting man who will probably have a moderately successful presidency. However, the Politician as Messiah stuff really disturbs me. It doesn't take much to read between the lines of the description of his being a 'transformational figure'. This is the logical end product of 28 years of candidates running in this vein. We had the Reagan Revolution We had the Kinder and Gentler George H. W. Bush We had the Bill Clinton who felt our pain We had the Compassionate Conservative George W. Bush Now we have the Godhead as President. And don't ignore the
  14. And the collapse of the Savings and Loan Industry. Videocrat
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