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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. It will be nice to have a president that is popular abroad for a change. America's standing in the world jumped exponentially overnight. Interesting to see these celebrations is countries that would never DREAM of electing someone from one of their ethnic minorities to the superem executive position. Once again, America points the way.
  2. I guess I must be a Libertarian at heart, but I think the Government should stay out of people's personal lives and choices. I understand the ramifications re: insurance and benefits. But I also understand that love is...well...love. I find the proposition that two people committed in a long term relationship are not allowed the protection of law to be preposterous. If one is gay and their significant other becomes ill or dies, they have no rights to care decisions or property rights. The saddest thing I have ever seen is two obituaries in the Dallas Morning News a couple of years ago. One
  3. Obama will have to look to avoid the trap that winners of elections fall into: 1. He cannot assume that the people who voted for him did so for the reasons that he assumes they did. 2. He must not overreach. 3. Electoral rhetoric cannot sustain an administration for any length of time. 4. Presidents do not 'rule', they govern 5. People are going to expect a follow through on promises; however, a President cannot play the 'payoff' game. Keeping the political base satisfied must take second place to the actual governance of the country 6. One must stay focused but also be flexible. I
  4. I somehow missed the boat on E. Any suggestions as to a good place to start?
  5. Won't Get Fooled Again --- The Who Heaven on Their Minds --- Murray Head (Jesus Christ Superstar Original Cast)
  6. I've always wondered...just how many fascists did that guitar do in?
  7. Stoning victim 'begged for mercy' A young woman recently stoned to death in Somalia first pleaded for her life, a witness has told the BBC. "Don't kill me, don't kill me," she said, according to the man who wanted to remain anonymous. A few minutes later, more than 50 men threw stones. Human rights group Amnesty International says the victim was a 13-year-old girl who had been raped. Initial reports had said she was a 23-year-old woman who had confessed to adultery before a Sharia court. The witness says she was forced into a hole, buried up to her neck then pelted with stones u
  8. Nothing like a good dose of $50 a barrell oil to make the cracks start to appear... TEHRAN, Iran
  9. Our founding fathers had some sound advice on taxation. Thomas Jefferson on Taxes "Many of the opposition [to the new Federal Constitution] wish to take from Congress the power of internal taxation. Calculation has convinced me that this would be very mischievous." --Thomas Jefferson to William Carmichael, 1788. "Taxes should be proportioned to what may be annually spared by the individual." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1784. "Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of p
  10. If this is not ironic, it is sad. Obama will be given as much slack and support by the Republicans as the Democrats gave Bush in 2001. It is the nature of the political beast these days and I don't know how or if this train can be derailed.
  11. Let's see how well you do after YOUR stroke.
  12. One thing that should be kept in mind: The country is very divided. Where McCain is leading, his support is very strong. Where Obama is leading, his support is very strong. If we don't find a way to come together after the election, then we are headed down a scary path. There are Two different Americas now. And this should be frightening to you all.
  13. Actually, I am familiar with the references...just looking for an excuse to give some love to Marvin Martian.
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