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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...-treatment.html After reading the abovd, I have two questions. 1. If true, why did he feel the need to do it? Rampang ageism. Maybe McCain should follow suit. 2. Why is it an issue? Why are all these peripherals an issue? Sarah Palin hunts moose. Joe Biden gets Botox injections. These silly issues distract us from the larger matters at hand. We have become a nation of silly, unsubstantial people concerned with silly, unsubstantial matters. If Abraham LIncoln was running today the media would be focusing on his physical unattractiveness, him
  2. LOL I am always brought back to an uneasy feeling about all this. McCain is 'erratic' and Obama seems too willing to embrace this messianic air that has arisen around him.
  3. This is why 'messianic/charismatic' politicos scare me: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...on-YouTube.html
  4. Rays are a really great story...worst to first.
  5. I'd end with this quote from the great movie Outside Providence... Making sex is like a Chinese dinner: It ain't over 'til you both get your cookies.
  6. I hope you Cubs' fans don't think I am making light of your pain... After all, I am a Rangers fan
  7. I really don't think it's a dialect thing. And I'm unsure as to why it irritates people so.
  8. Remember...Jimmy Carter did it too. I had heard somebody intimate that the pronumciation was common in Military Circles. I never heard it that much when I was growing up. It doesn't really bother me. I wish Joe would go ape shit on her though.
  9. And the Rangers proceeded to lose every other playoff game they had.
  10. I tried to come up with something witty about the stupidity of the racist sign and Musin Sheets...but I got stumped
  11. Just the thing a heroin addict need to further his recovery...hit the road with his old enabling band mates...
  12. I'm not referring to the credit markets here. The money from the initial transactions didn't disappear. The seller got their equity, their inital mortgage (if there was one) was paid off and the realtor received their 3 to 6% commission.
  13. The Last Waltz...what a trainwreck. Robbie Roberston --- ego run amok. And those pick squeals in every freaking song. Shilling for his producing career by having Neil Diamond as a guest. His visible dismissal of Ronnie Hawkins. And his 'background vocals' and grimmacing into a dead microphone...laughable. Levon Helm --- seething anger. His voice and drumming are true wonders. He is so wary of the whole project that it is very visible. His reaction to the question about women on the road is humorous in its venom Rick Danko and Richard Manuel --- it is hard to watch now. These two were so
  14. Multiply your friends situation by millions... What we have in the housing crisis is the perfect storm. For the last 15-20 years, there has been a tremendous growth in wealth from the Far East, South America, Europe. This money (re: investors) sought a suitable place to grow. Combined with the investment money in the US, there was a tremendous pool of funds looking for an investment home. Since the 1960's, the policy of the Federal and State Governments across the county (stated and unstated) was for home owenrship. The tax laws changed drastically in the mid-1980's (thank YOU Bill
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