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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Not quite as good as when Wes Littleton got a save in Texas' 30-3 win over Baltimore in 2007.
  2. Why do your or my ideas have any degree of importance? I'm not an actor or a musician. I just always hoped The United States would decline so rapidly in my lifetime.
  3. I don';t have to give any suggestions...those issues are above my pay grade. They are not above Mr. Obama's paygrade.
  4. Jeff is so self-effacingly charming and insightful.
  5. I didn't mention W. He doesn't have any claim on our inactivity in Syria. Last time I checked, W was living in Texas, going to a few baseball games and frequenting local coffee shops. The inaction of the world's leading democracy in addressing Syria is ALL on Mr. Obama's dime. Straw man argument.
  6. Ron Washington should have gone for the onside kick after they got the two point conversion. Wait. That was a BASEBALL SCORE? Sometimes you're the windshied, sometimes you're the bug. Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you. The bull...sometimes he wins. And sometimes you give up 21 runs to the worst offense in Baseball.
  7. It all sounds a bit like 'the dog ate my homework'. With the constant refrain of 'it's not my fault', I'm beginning to picture Mr. Obama as the Han Solo of Presidents.
  8. Interesting. If Oswalt moves into the back of the rotation to replace Feliz, then the Rangers' bullpen will be mega-sick ((edit:)) The starting rotation is the best I have ever seen in Texas. Darvish looks to be something special, and Holland and Harrison are beginning to figure it out. Nathan Adams Feliz Ogando Uehara Ross Lowe Tateyama Feldman Tateyama will probably be the one to get sent down. I'm worried about the inconsistent offense. If the Rangers ever put it all together...watch out.
  9. Rangers broke out the boom stick this weekend.
  10. Yeah...after all, she is the greatest artistof the 21st Century (so far)
  11. Out standing. This needs to show up in a professionally produced DVD. John on lead vocals and Jeff on the solo.
  12. The only movement I'm interested in comes about 7 every morning. Produces the same results as the movements represented in Chicago. Peace
  13. My favorite line "I went for a run on the beach, cause I'm really fit."
  14. There aren't just burned bridges here. The dug up the pilings, cut down the forest that was used to make the pilings and salted the earth. Mike Heindorn is probably still pissed at Jay for the aborted reformation of the band, and one can only imagine who Ken feels about Jeff (I'm betting it ain't warm and fuzzy). You can't roll in Glenn and call it an Uncle Tupelo reunion. If they did, it would be even MORE of a money grab.
  15. God knows the prisons are chock full of toddlers who pilfered a snickers bar.
  16. Motolov cocktails aren't a real good way to convince people of the righteousness of your opiniions.
  17. I got the first three of teh GRR Martin Series up right after I finish all of the Dresden Chronicles.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRNTQvXSsfA
  19. Handshake Drugs is Jeff's Darkness on the Edge of Town.
  20. I don't like reunions. The motives are usually about money and almost always disappointing, uninspired and sometimes embarrassing.
  21. It's funny how some songs begin to have more meaning as one gets older Don't let us get sick Don't let us get old Don't let us get stupid, all right? Just make us be brave And make us play nice And let us be together tonight The sky was on fire When I walked to the mill To take up the slack in the line I thought of my friends And the troubles they've had To keep me from thinking of mine Don't let us get sick Don't let us get old Don't let us get stupid, all right? Just make us be brave And make us play nice And let us be together tonight The moon has a face And it smiles on the lake And ca
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