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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Alarming...but fairly commonplace.
  2. Sorry bud,,,if it's your time in the bucket,grin and bear it.
  3. What can I say...one day, you'll be an old man too.
  4. 'Stealing' music is all about the hunt. I remembe getting caught up in the thrill of hunting down stuff (I really dug Audio Galaxy). I don't really know how or when my attitudes changed, but now the only music i download is stuff I pay for or live recordings officially or unofficially sanctioned by the artist. If I want a song,I will spend the $.99 on iTunes for a download. It doesn't make me a righteous guy, but I find I feel better about my relationship with music that way. I remember having a rather spirted conversation with a dear, departed friend of mine. He was roundly castigating me for
  5. all that and he's a freaking KNUCKLE BALL PITCHER!
  6. I'm fully aware of who he is A-man. I just think he's an embittered malcontent
  7. What does Bob Lefsetz have that I can steal that might be worth something? A blogger's opinion has no worth or importance.
  8. I remember getting into a rather heated discussion with a late friend of mine of the generation before mine. He was indignant at my downloading of music for free (and rightly so.) However; the majority of our discussion occurred while he was standing at the copier making copies of sheet music. He never saw the irony of our discussion.
  9. It's definitely a touchy issue. I must admit that I got really caught up in the allure of getting free stuff from these sites (remeber Audio Galaxy?). But I find as I consider my actions, I have fully ceased downloading things other than live music either officially or unofficially sanctioned by the artist. If I want something, I either buy a hard copy or pay for a digital copy. I can afford a high speed internet connection; I can afford a really nice laptop...therefore I can afford $.99 for a song I like. This doesn't make me a more righteous person, it just makes me feel a bit better about
  10. I gotta say Jules always makes me smile. Dude will not be condescended to.
  11. Possibly because I only care if he gets suspended from the game.
  12. I'll be incredibly crass here, but also state the facts: Alcohol, while very detrimental to his recovery, WILL NOT LEAD TO A SUSPENSION FROM THE GAME. Cocaine, Crack, Meth...whatever his addiction truly was...one slip with those will end his livlihood.
  13. Yes, you are wrong. He has never had a relapse. To relapse he would have to have hit the crack pipe. He had issues with alcohol. A stomach virus for someone already dehydrated from the Texas heat is nothing to take lightly.
  14. Where do you think these horrible corporate profits go?
  15. Just remember...it's really hard to breathe at over 5000 feet.
  16. And when the federal dollars are spent...then what happens to those teachers, police and fire fighters? Federal money isn't 'free'. Beyond the fact that the Government actually produces no wealth and is spending our money, you take their coin, they have control. It's a sticky wicket, but I can't help but believe that local governments have a better feel for the needs of their clientele (i.e. their citizent) than a government functionay in Washington. Government isn't inherently bad...to the contrary.
  17. OP's first mistake was not reading the board and understanding that the yuck monkeys were getting restless.
  18. Folks, this is what is referred to as 'damning with faint praise'.
  19. If they're recording in 2013...new record in Spring of 2014
  20. Tell me who's that writin', John the Revelator. Tell me who's that writin', John the Revelator. Who's that writin', John the Revelator wrote the book of the seven seals. Now God walked down in the cool of the day, And called Adam by his name. But he refused to answer, 'cause he was naked and ashamed. So, tell me who's that writin', John the Revelator. Tell me who's that writin', John the Revelator. Who's that writin', John the Revelator wrote the book of the seven seals. Now Christ had 12 apostles, And three he layed away He said "Watch for me one hour, while I go yonder and pray." And t
  21. And good old neon would have challenged a couple of people to step outside... What happened to him?
  22. Hard to believe that with Nolan Ryan, Tom Seaver and Doc Gooden having pitched for this team during the long and storied past, Johann Santana throws the first no-hitter in Mets history. Bravo!
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