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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Wow...I'm glad to see you back!!!
  2. Wilco's fandom is a bit like Springsteen's and Dylan's in the worship of unreleased material. The officially unreleased material takes on a mythic quality that is not based on any merits of the music itself, and become a touchstone for concert experiences and becomes the measure of being a 'true fan'. How many times does a Wilco fan (either here or in the real world) cite some obscure, trifiling that's one distinct feature is that it is not an officially released song?
  3. I will file this in the large "who gives a rat's ass about this useless information" file I have in my brain and proceed with my life in peace.
  4. It takes an ID to cash a check. You have to have an ID to check a book out of a library. But not to cast a ballot? Believe it or not, EVERYTHING is not a conspiracy to disenfranchise minority voters.
  5. That is really, really witty. I read this, smiled, and thought about your implication of this statment and said to myself "that is pretty damn witty".
  6. Today, my youngest child turns 18 HAPPY BIRTHDAY D-MAN!!!
  7. Oh yeah...it's real. What is really irking and disturbing is that, with a few exceptions, the starting pitchers on the dl haven't really hurt the team. But Young, Napoli and Cruz have been absolutely horrid the last month or so. Now the Rangers are talking about going after Greinke. I think before the end of July we are going to see Olt and Profar in the bigs. Kinsler had bettter learn to play LF...
  8. The Rangers and their disappearing offense is getting a bit worrisome. Michael Young, Mike Napoli and Nellie Cruz are rally killers.
  9. Maybe he'll do it with an executive order...
  10. Either way, I'm really excited to see the kid make it to the bigs.
  11. Yep. Just it's a makeup for the Citizen's United ruling.(JK)
  12. Next year, I can see this team going forward without Hamilton, Cruz, Napoli and possibly Lewis and Murphy.
  13. I agree about debating it. I just have a real aversion to people who act as though Government action was the only thing that can save people. The ACA is a poorly constructed band aid.
  14. The problem is not the insurance, but the outrageous costs associated with Health Care.
  15. How is someone who can't afford health insurance going to be helped by paying a tax/penalty for not having health insurance?
  16. Wow...you have been listening to my conversations with my son, haven't you. The only difference in my scenario was moving Kinsler to Center. But Left Field would be better...would allow Martin to slide into Center. I think Profar is probably ready, but he hasn't taken any reps at Second at Frisco.
  17. I would generally agre with your statement if Young wasn't showing his age and Cruz was more consistent. However, I have been really impressed with Martin with his call up appearances. If Profar and Olt are ready next year...then things will get REALLY interesting.
  18. There's a lot to be said about having a good farm system. The Rangers have lost Holland, Feliz, Ogando and now Lewis; and with the signing of Oswalt, have not missed a beat. And...word has it that Daniels is now pursuing Greinke. I'd rather that he look to solve the potential problem the team is going to face with losing Hamilton nest year, but the Farm system is chock full of excellent prospects that he should be able to turn for good return.
  19. I wonder if the supporters of the Affordable Care Act understand that this is not a single payer system. When people start paying a penalty (tax) for not having health insurance...it's interesting. I am really dispassionate about this.I have a job. I have health insurance. I have relatives who don't have health insurance. I have also worked two jobs for 15 years to be able to afford certain lifestyle choices that I have made and to put my kids through college. I understand the costs. But I also understand the basic philosophical and political argument about personal choice and responsibili
  20. I am a little leery of all the hagiography of Mr. Obama. The messianic tone to his campaign(s) is scary. Of course, the Republicans fielded the weakest slate in my lifetime.
  21. I was really fearful that he would get off. Hell, a prosecutor 'disappeared' several years after charges were bandied about. Penn State is a really powerful institution. It was tried in the area. All those factors really had me worried. I just wonder how many other kids haven't come forward yet.
  22. Straw man arguments and ad hominum attacks aside, it is not so gray an area. Just because it is possible to do something doesn't mean it should or has to be done. I guess I have a different view as a reformed music stealer. It was fun chasing the stuff down and I really did BUY other albums by the artist I ripped off, but as I was downloading the stuff, I knew what I was doing. As I have A LOT of CD's,maybe I have a different view of this. I'm sure if I were an impoverished student, I would have a totally different view of things. I have a juch different relationship to music and technology
  23. All hail the imperial Presidency. I'm not going to break Godwin's law, but these opinions are, at best, troubling.
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