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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. And so the conspiracy theorists have their first claim.
  2. Very interesting. However, as I understand it, in order to regenerate, one must be a timelord. But the bit with the tardis' scan of Amy does pose an interesting item. Presumably, Amy's child would be by Rory.
  3. Sigh...Tweedy was reacting to Bon Jovi's statement about the internet. A typical Tweedy response.
  4. Well...since she regenerated she is obviously a timelord. Is she the Dr. or prehaps ... The Master?
  5. Damnit...I should have copywrited it.
  6. I know this has turned into a yuck monkey fest, but I kinda like the idea of prospective album titles. Since Matt didn't take this as an album title (although he did use it for a song), I have had this song/album title floating around in my head for years" Letters I Forgot to Send.
  7. Well...now that my thread is being hijacked, I will throw a little gasoline on the fire. There should be a middle ground between "Wilco is the greatest band and I am really looking forward to the new release", and "Their last two records sucked, I'm sure the new one will suck." Wilco has drawn lines in the sand for their fans on a couple of occasions. Parts of Being There were literally shocking to the old school UT fans. Misunderstood, Sunken Treasure, Hotel Arizona surely didn't sound like good old Alt Country Wilco. Summerteeth was even more shocking to the system for some fans. It retr
  8. The natives are getting restless. We have people fussing at each other over whether or not the new record will suck. We have people fussing over whether or not the last two records suck. Now we have people fussing at moderators. It's time for that new record and it can't come too soon.
  9. Just what exactly do YOU mean by 'shit kicker'? Presumably, it is not a common term that Europeans use in a loving sense.
  10. I agree with you pretty solidly here A-man. There is often a bit too much sexual tension and heavy tension for your average kid's show. Maybe that's the difference between the Brits and Americans: British kid's show---Dr. Who; American kid's show---Hannah Montana.
  11. I was afraid Smith's age would be a stumbling block, but happily, it seems to enhance the Dr.'s alieness. Plus, Amy is by far and away the best companion of the new rollout Dr. Who.
  12. And by the way,I find it fascinating in a personal sense that I find myself so well and fully smitten by an (let's be honest)obscure cult band. I only know two other people who have even heard of this band. And here I am ready to go to the matresses for this band.
  13. Prior to Saturday, I had not seen any of the Matt Smith Dr. Who episodes. I was so completely taken with David Tennant's take on the Dr. that I really wasn't sure how Smith would sell it. After the marathon on BBC America, I gotta say that I am well and fully back on board.
  14. It's a really interesting dynamic that developes between fans of dearly loved bands/artists. Some feel the band/artist has lost their way, while others feel that the band/artist is evolving. The only thing that gets a rise out of me anymore is the absolute manner in which some people deal with items that are matters of opinion. I'll be honest here. I used to majorly post on the usenet Springsteen boards but chose to move on when I could not post about the music without getting into an internet feud every other post. At least then the contention arose AFTER PEOPLE HAD ACUTALLY HEARD THE RECO
  15. Well, there's no reason for you to wonder if I give a rat's ass what you wonder.
  16. Which do you think is more applicable here: "lik(e)ing shitty albums because you think it's cool" or "calling a really nice record record shitty because you are cool"? Cuts both ways. We'd probably all be better off and get along better here is we would simply accept that some of us are going to be disappointed in the new record and some are going to like it. Until somebody actually hears the new record in full, this is all just jacking off on the internet. Internet muscles should be used sparingly.
  17. The Reverand Al Green... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFHjF0TZkhA&feature=related
  18. You either have selective memory or the people you associate with were really on top of the curve. I have/had a friend who was incredibly tuned into Wilco. After he gave me a copy of a disc labeled Yankee Foxtrot Hotel sometime in early Fall 2001, he referred to it as "just more of that Jeff Tweedy noise shit". I remember getting into some pretty heated conversations about YHF. YHF certainly was a line drawn in the sand for old time Wilco fans. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot was the fulcrum of the end of one era and the beginning of another. How about A Ghost is Born? The fan base was certainly lu
  19. I wasn't even aware the record existed until I hit amazon the other day and happened upon it. It's like III/IV wasn't released...it escaped. Still haven't picked it up (although I will probably rectify that when my daughter gives me an iTunes gift card for my birthday).
  20. Hmmm... A Ghost is Born Trace Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Summerteeth Anodyne
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k18rlUe_nc&feature=related
  22. Who the hell cares and why should we care what this bimbo is tweeting? Are we that bored that we actually need to worry about this?
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