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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. When RA did the song on Letterman a couple of years ago, he sang "Screw all my friends". So the amount of suckage you feel this version of the song engaged should be given a mulligan for that portion of the sucking. But suck it does nonetheless. This guy is so really bad and he butchers a really beautiful song.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0IMRkIuBrw
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dy7RTicVr0
  4. Not possible that we have mutual friends...I only friend family and people I have known since I was a kid And if it is because we both are fans of Wilco, why is she the only one? Scary I tell ya, scary
  5. Might be more appropriate since his stint in rehab. Before rehab: After rehab:
  6. It is a really surreal experience seeing puppets and pantomining to music and interviewing a true giant of our times... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUwGzHzdc0s
  7. It's been said before in this thread ( I think ); but it is true: Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and the make you king
  8. This Facebook shit is scary. I had Donna show up as a recommended friend. Not that she's scary, but out of the thousands of Wilco fans on Facebook, she shows up. I dont trust the interwebs
  9. Weezer really hasn't changed...you have (gotten older, married, etc.). That and Rivers isn't as miserable as he was during the Blue/Pinkerton period.
  10. Why is this incongruous? I think Aimee nails it and she's not an odd choice to cover it.
  11. I can't decide whether this was genius or what... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwHiMouvV6c
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIEOZCcaXzE Best fan video ever (and a helluva lot better than the offical video. At least they didn't scare babies for this one)
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-G1NltxNqE
  14. I disagree somewhat here. I take it from the reference point of my 16-year old son. He loves them taking the piss out of the generation gap. Hell...it's rock/pop music. Nobody making records has ever been a Tolstoy or a Rimbaud...no matter how hard Dylan and Springsteen try.
  15. Hell...the lyric is even MORE tortured than what you posted I was gonna post that one myself...The Kings One of the best double shots to lead off an album...This Beat Goes on/Switching to Glide. And now "Aryan" Zero is simply Mr. Zero (they didn't think that one through very well back in the day)
  16. It was shocking and incredibly sad...but it had an ending.
  17. Due Process? This should be an understood and irrevocable right for every worker. However, job security is not a right. It's wonderful to have, but one can no longer expect to have that be a collective bargaining point.
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