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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. looking at the comments section on thrashers, it seems the preview disk has brought up more issues involving lack of interaction that neil was waiting for and again, lack of some major content from this period. oh well. just finished reading shakey again. prolly the last time. seems to me, the major theme of the book is NIGHTMARE. "we recorded, it was a nightmare. we toured, it was a nightmare. we mixed the live disc, it was a nightmare." not to mention, neil is a total asshole. bruce springsteen seems to be ae guy. dylan's just a plain mystery. any word on an update for shakey?
  2. well said. i was just one of your converts a few years back:)
  3. she is not the 'guest start'...she is in the band. she will be playing laptop and clarinet. should be interesting
  4. was just waiting for A-Man to redirect this poster to the big fat dylan thread that's been going on for weeks concerning the new album
  5. true, he played everything off magic. i can't believe he isn't even doing lucky day.
  6. i have no attachment to the 80s, which is when i grew up. the 80s blew assss! bad music, bad hair, bad production values. everything just went to shit. the 90s were a little bit better. (80-82 weren't too bad, it was still the 70s as it was still the 80s until 93)
  7. yes, those are great songs. too bad amanda was overplayed. it's not too bad either.
  8. your friend was right on. it was cool to see his FAT book of songs though. i'm with you on dream. prolly could have put half of magic and half of dream together to make one killer album. i'll probably warm up to dream though. outlaw pete-major mis-step. should have been the bonus track, not the wrestler lucky day, dream-both great songs queen-kind of good, but bad bad lyrics. as you said, cringe what love can do-toss off this life-the beach boy songs on magic are much much better tomorrow never knows-fun, but not essential life itself-bad surprise-great and fun. last carnival-classic
  9. probably the most important and concise statement about music these days. well said.
  10. he is busting out some gems at each show it seems. we got jungleland and trapped in atlanta. the encore is pretty much the same as are some of the main setlist tunes wienberg's kid is the shit. his drum fills are total rock and roll! i also sat behind the stage by the new keyboard dude. some one needs to tell that dude to focus on the keys and not trying to get the crowd to stand up. he just acted like a cheesy cheerleader the whole time and hardly played an notes on the keys. if bruce only knew! fyi-my opinion of working on a dream as changed a bit. it's about half good. listeni
  11. i love love love AGIB and i just have a feeling about Wilco the album.
  13. wish he was playing atlanta. i'm not complaining though. he and the band played a free show at the decatur book fair last summer and it was one of the best shows i've ever seen. neff is the man!
  14. the sets are actually a bit samey compared to the last tour. he's not playing much of the new album. i am really getting into working on a dream. found a little documentary on youtube about the making and it really inspired me to give the whole album a listen. very solid stuff there.
  15. me too. get some of that TTN vibe back. although i could do without his twirling on stage.
  16. i like about 5 songs on here. wish there were more horns. his voice is just unlistenable at times. just so shot it pains me to listen to it. also, his blues songs are just total toss offs. usually the blues riffs are tolerable b/c the lyrics are interesting. the lyrics on this album all just love songs. i was really hoping for some real poetry here about the human condition...beyond here lies nothing, its all good, etc. i love the production though. very muddy and a nice mix between toom and mt. l&t was too crisp for me and not warm at all. mississippi is the only song i could r
  17. there is no reason why it should cost any more than $20 to see a band. the reason the prices are so high is because YOU still pay them. $150 to see the dead without garcia. that's insane! the thing about these nostalgia acts is that no one goes to see a performance of music anymore. instead, one goes to see the performer. i went to see springsteen last night. bought at ticket outside for $20. got a good seat too. he did perform well, but a lot of the show was seeing bruce do his 'bruce' things. not worth the cheapest ticket of $97, before charges. stop making these assholes rich
  18. no, dsl and i'm not a member of any of the special places. so far i am really loving this. it's def gonna be a grower lots of texture to enjoy on repeated listens. i love the cover too. can't seem to upload it here though.
  19. 8 minutes and counting. can't wait!
  20. went to atlanta show last night. got in for $20 just like last year. sat behind the stage in an empty row. rough start, but got better with slower songs. highlights were tom joad, jungle land, lonesome day, radio nowhere. i just love some of the newer songs. question-why is nils lofgren in this band. he looks like such a dork running around on stage. also, they don't need to keyboards or back up singers. fyi, max weinbergs son ROCKED on the drums and bruce was just lovin' playing with him.
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