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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. BTW, Note to record labels: Find some new talent that doesn't suck. Amen to the above!!! The 74 stuff is out there, but not he best quality sound wise. the band, however, is on!! of course neil is with them.
  2. i agree, also the CSNY '74 show. hopefully get a nice clean version on neil's Pushed It Over the End.
  3. i think i agree with this. i mean, Cash was a fine candidate for Rubin's work, but hell, i could do what rubin does. take some slicked up classic rocker who hasnt made a good album in decades and make him/her do an underproduced acoustic album!!! i am thinking James Taylor, Carol King, CSN, America, maybe even neil young. it's so funny how it's revolutionary, when it's really just no production and a little intentionality about songwriting. these legends were just caught in their zietgiest. their old shit sounds good because, by luck, it was recorded in the 70s and not in the 80s. it am
  4. Off the top of my head, probably Rift. I love the perfect studio version of that song. They botched it live, but the studio version with trey and page singing and the phat piano and guitar solos...awesome! After that, probably Slave and PYITE.
  5. you know, i can get on board with what your saying here. rock star mythology is cool, but ultimately ridiculous. i just happen to like some guys (dylan, neil) that have that mythology, but also make music i like. now, as far as new music goes, i do like magnolia electric and despite my issues with tweedy, i am hot and cold with wilco. oh, and i love dbt. and you are right, these guys are all working hard as musicians without falling into that whole rock icon stuff! that's why i don't feel like i have to meet jason molina, jeff, or patterson hood. they make music, i come listen. that's
  6. New neil is better than any shit coming out today and the last 2 decades. i for one can't stand indie rock and all its cuteness and ridiculous punk attitude. talk about being nostalgia acts. wilco is in the same boat. i have tried for years to figure out what it is about tweedy that bothers me and it is him trying to be so cute. his little songs with the capo up so high on the fret board about aquarium drinking...give me a break! i'll take neil young any day. even new dylan!
  7. this might actually be pretty good. don't know how they are gonna deal with stills' voice though. it is shot! but i really love CSN(Y) and am excited about them doing something acoustic along the lines of Rubins work with Cash and Neil Diamond. Crosby and Nash still sound great. Unfortunately, the new CSNY live album is pretty rough. Crosby, Stills & Nash To Record With Rick Rubin 2008 | July 17 | billboard.com Crosby, Stills & Nash are plotting their first studio album since 1994 -- a covers set for Columbia Records helmed by Rick Rubin. "Rick Rubin's a brilliant man,"
  8. Apple is Fisher-Price of Sound Quality, says Neil Young 2008 | July 26 | fortune.cnn.com Neil Young has slammed Apple's iPods for dumbing music quality down to "Fisher-Price toy" levels at a technology conference in California this week (July 23). Speaking in an interview with Time Inc. editor-in-chief John Huey at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech Conference Young said: "Apple has taken a detour down the convenience highway. Quality has taken a complete backseat - if it even gets in the car at all.
  9. good point, i do actually like some of devils and dust as well as the rising. saw bruce in atlanta in april. got a ticket for 20 bucks down in the 100s section. great show.
  10. was in the local indie record store with my 2.8 year old. he had his snack to keep him occupied while i browsed. music was playing of course and as we walked past one of the clerks my son says, "Dad, they're playing Feist. I like her, but i also like 'eil 'oung." That last one is 'neil young'...so the clerk heard and we all thought he was such a badass! too damn cute!
  11. well, i am a huge neil young fan. love everything and actually think that his last 3 albums have been excellent. i do think neil is spreading himself a bit thin with all his projects like linkvolt, archives, touring, writing, the 'new itunes'...but it's gotta be the artists that get their asses in gear and start caring about how their record sounds b/c record companies could give a shit. neil has a specific sound in mind and he gets it on his records. this is like wilco and magnolia electric who have a specific sound in mind. it just blows my mind how artists have no clue about production
  12. His name is spelled 'Stephen' dammit! It's on the cover of the book!!! Anyway, have never been able to get through one of his books. They really arent that scary and the supernatural stuff is just plain dumb.
  13. BAD ASSSSS! nothing better than a phat, straight ahead rock solo. Saw AD in atlanta in 04 and it was prolly one of the best shows i have ever seen. the cover of big stars you can't have me was incredible. really wish we heard more from pat either in wilco or outside. how bout a band with pat, mikeal(sp), glenn, and john. could be incredible!
  14. well, i have finally been listening closely to SBS. I got into AGIB immediately, but SBS took a year. I think it is an excellent album and very well crafted. As with others, I could do with out Please Be Patient With Me and adding The Thanks I Get. Other than SBS the song, each of the songs is like a mini suite with a great melody, interlocking guitar lines, textured piano/organ, and an awesome breakdown. Impossible Germany being the best example. Really digging it. c
  15. the first installment is to include about 128 songs, 18 of them never released before. There are to be 200 photographs, 160 lyrics manuscripts and more. Among the 90 articles and reviews are some less-than-favorable ones. "There were a lot of choices to be made," Mr. Roberts says. "Neil's choice was to leave the warts on." Okay, I think i am finally formulating a less reactionary opinion about the archives. Given the actual content listed above, i am really not excited at all. Just more waiting time for vol. 2 which i hope has more surprises than this. i find buffalo springfield basical
  16. yes, fm transmitters blow!!! when we all have cars with ipod jacks and not cd players...well...that's it. the cd is gone.
  17. thanks! i think the last cd i did that with was AGIB...just listened to that one over and over. others were Siamese Dream in college and Nomads Indian Saints by indigo girls in high school. oh and of course, neil young yeah, i have thought about getting a nano to be dedicated to neil young. i love the new album cover interface with the new ones. more of a whole experience rather than just print.
  18. well, i will try playlists again. havent done that in a while. shuffle is pretty bad as it's so repetative and doesn't seem random. not to mention, i get addicted to pushing skip all the time. what is party shuffle? video is fun for movies and tv shows. c
  19. ya know, i hemmed and hawed about getting an ipod for long time. finally got one about a year and a half ago. i hate the damn thing!!! it's 30 gigs and i am ALWAYS taking shit off and putting shit on. i get so frustrated and just delete everything. it's just so hard to just listen to an album on their with all those artists and songs. it really makes me crazy. i can never decide what to listen to. should i put all my music on there? just some? should i downsize? go back to cds? any one else have this issue. i kind of miss the days of just picking up one cd every couple months and
  20. well said. i really respect him. my comment was more out of empathy than anything else. world tours were not on the radar.
  21. i have quit and rejoined so many times....
  22. they have got to be tired of singing that song Falling Slowly...or whatever it is. gets old quick.
  23. How about... Shit Stick or Fuck Truck good garage band names.
  24. CLASSIC! that shit happens on emusic all the time. i knew this was gonna happen. part of the reason i gave up on them. not to mention that mostly everything i download from them, i get on a whim and end up hating. great place to get all songs:ohia and magnolia electric and that is about it. too bad though. their model is the way of the future if any RIAA folks care. I would gladly pay $20 a month for 30-50 downloads a month if they offered EVERYTHING.
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