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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. hey, well, i have given CDII a few more listens and it is def growing on me. i just couldn't let it go and this thread has just been inspiring me. i don't let much grow on me much any more as i am so overwhelmed with what to listen to and the whole ipod ascetic. but CDII is sounding good to me at this point. thanks for the inspiration friends.
  2. excellent point. my growing edge is not being so damn sarcastic about christianity. gotta stop that one. craig
  3. are you a practicing buddhist, by chance?
  4. i hear ya. i was actually trying to compare CDII to Coldplay and was having a tough time. two different generations. c
  5. well, i read the news today about his accidental overdose and it prompted me to finally watch brokeback mountain. as a result, i have enjoyed being sad all day. powerful film in the wake of heath's death. it also totally reaffirmed the reality of the human condition and the fact that love and conflict are part of the mystery. a very sad and amazing film to me. c
  6. most people are good, but more and more, i believe we are willfully ignorant. i have totally changed my mind about christianity. don't claim it anymore and am at best and apathest when it comes to god. good question. craig
  7. never been huge REM fan, but this is really good. just guitar, bass, drums, and stipe. way better than the other 'back to basics' album, monster. may pick this one up. craig
  8. and away from the fireplace, although i like the crackles. c
  9. okay, so CDII is not worse than Are You Passionate? or Landing on Water. I like Beautiful Bluebird and Ever After. Shining Light and The Believer are just so lazy. Neil sounds really really old on those and it breaks my heart. Spirit Road is okay, but Hidden Path just meanders. Ordinary People, as I said, is way too long and i hate the keyboards and horns. If it had been about 8 minutes and produced like Spririt Road, then I would dig it. The Way is nice. It's a new direction for Neil, the Beatlesque pop song. Hate the Boy Choir though. Prefer the old version of Box Car. The thing abo
  10. speaking of neil, after several listens, chrome dreams II is not good. about 3 good songs on there. OP is way too long and the other bad ones are toss offs. worse than LWW which had 4 good tunes. i am really disappointed by this because i had decided last year that Neil was my all time favorite artist and i set up this expectation that he could do no wrong and that i must love everything he does. unfortunatly, that's impossible. craig
  11. i wasn't totally aware of the rift with kimock and phil, but it makes sense. i agree, his band is a bit monotonous, but with others, he is great, kind of like bill frisell. ratdog is getting into that bitches brew jazz stuff. unfair to call it a cover band. bob is not trying to be the dead, he just uses the songs as platforms for his jamming. and i just can't get on board with warren. the dead don't need no grit. they aren't a gritty band and 'balls to the wall' solos just don't fit.
  12. Sleeps with angels-the 'tonight's the night of the 90s' and beyond! craig
  13. on the flip, that would never happen to garcia. he was the guy who needed some tough love and time off, but the money machine killed him. craig
  14. i remember talking about this alot when vince died. he was a member of the band as far as i am concerned. in less time than it took brent he was playing his tunes with the band, and in the second set no less!! (which i hated by the way. samba would have been a great first set tune.) anyway, addicts have a tendency to burn all their bridges, so you can't blame weir. he was taking care of himself. the rumor about hornsby and the band playing this summer sounds great! he really makes the jerry songs his own and i love 'em. way better than bobby trying to sing them and essentially butcher
  15. why do they always have to have a bunch of players with them? i would love to see bob, phil, mickey, bill with bruce hornsby and steve kimock. that would be a true tribute. as a rule, hornsby sings all the garcia tunes and bruce only plays piano. craig
  16. i'd be happy with that. most of the stuff i want to hear is supposedly on volume 2: 72-82, homegrown, all the other random acoustic unreleased songs, CSNY stuff, Island in the Sun, Chrome Dreams, lots of stuff. Volume 3 is just gonna blow. dont need old ways, blue notes, and landing on water outtakes. craig
  17. it's kind of true. i mean, the day it comes out (if ever) i probably wont be able to pick it up because i'll have to take one of my boys to some activity, need a nap, or not have the cash craig
  18. he's also got a new album coming out this year. i know it has the word simple in the title. craig
  19. true words my friend. the longer time goes without archives, the more i really don't care.
  20. my wife and i were at the atlanta show. it was a bit crazy, but i assumed it was that way at all the shows. it's ironic, CSNY played the song Families with some nice video. we were all on board, not a dry eye in the house. but when you go talking about the president sending those kids to war (those kids we miss and that die and that we cried over in the last song) then people go ape shit! truly amazing to me. and about his last tour, i wonder why he didn't play anything off prairie wind? at least The Painter would have been fun. craig
  21. i agree, like not releasing them! anyway, i've thought about this and there will be ways to convert to cd. ironically, it will be lower quality using sound rippers etc. everything neil doesn't want it to be. it will also be a hassle! wont be able to pick up the set, get in the car, and listen...or rip to ipod quickly for that matter. oh well, i have a feeling news about this will change. craig
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