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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. thanks so much for this. it is absolutely incredible! every sentence dylan speaks could be a line in a song/poem. i am not gushing, this is really true. great stuff. c
  2. ditto-something just happens when two great songwriters come together as the muses will. lennon/mca, jagger/richards, hunter/garcia. the sum is always so much more than the individual parts. although i think zeitgeist has ALOT to do with it. i mean, in 1968 anything lennon/mca did was probably incredible.
  3. Okay, the song is good. Reminiscent of listenable paul solo circa early 80s. This actually sounds like an outtake from McCartney II. Do like the 'Baby Your A Rich Man' keyboard. Thanks for the post.
  4. Don't know about some of the song titles. This could be a good album if neil is all over it. sounds like a concept album, maybe greendale(ish)?
  5. i agree with this. i loved the song, but the interview here was painful. i just felt bad for the dudes in the band having to hang out with ryan and listen to his incoherent blatherings while stroking his ego. BUT-i do like his music. half of gold was fun. heartbreaker is pretty good. cold roses is amazing and could have been better as a single album. really hoping the new one is good. that jam before the song was amazing. just love midtempo mellow tunes with clean guitar ala garcia, pedal steel and you got it!
  6. it's the album opener if i'm not mistaken. great song. c
  7. tried several times and Howe Gelb is finally clicking with me. Damn he is incredible. Any fans? I am wondering if he has any other side projects besides solo, GS, Arizon Amp? Also, any similar bands to him-aka-desert/rock/blues etc. thanks for the input! craig
  8. yes, people with medical problems should be treated as criminals. c
  9. actually his songs are not key of G bar band rock. his songs are consistently complicated with random tunings and quite original melodies compared to any music these days. i think a lot of his music 'sounds the same' the way Cash or Dylan's music sounds the same. he's definitely an old soul.
  10. this really doesn't surprise me. 3 dudes who could each have solo careers in one band can't last that long. cooley and hood are def in it together for the long haul. isbell was just a different bird, but it worked for a while. don't cooley and hood have new albums in the can? looking forward to just two guitars and a bit of pedal steel. can't wait for new DBT. c
  11. some how my copy of Bob Dylan's Beard has been deleted. Can anyone post it on yousendit or point me in the right direction. Thanks much. Also, wasn't all that stuff posted on this site? Where did it go? Craig
  12. thanks for this update. so the fillmore and massy hall discs will be part of the boxset. glad i didn't buy them yet. i am counting on november for this release, but october would be nice. september better. the riverboat show will be so awesome! this is the only thing i have really looked forward to in the last 15 years. i am really waiting for box set II 72-82. that will be otherworldly! c
  13. Anyone found these yet? Really itching to hear Page's solo album. Have a feeling it is gonna be great. Am a big fan of his tunes. Wish he had done more leads with Phish. c
  14. left a mark kozelek show after about 3 songs. i guess you could call them songs. just meanderings. it's been said before on this board, he makes great records, but is such a damn lazy performer. i have left several shows because it was late. that begs the question, why play so late at small/bar gigs? was really hoping to catch autumn defense here in atlanta, but when i found out it was on a tuesday night at a bar it was a no-go. luckily i saw them last time around on a weekend night, but even that is pushing it when the band doesn't come on until 11pm! c
  15. will do. so is the site any good? c
  16. hey kids, wondered if y'all had any thoughts on demonoid or other good torrent sites that compare to the pig site? any invites would be appreciated. thanks for the input. c
  17. You Are My Face is pretty good. Solo and drums are sweet. The rest is totally MOR. As usual, production is nice, warm and dry. However, the songs are totally unmemorable. c
  18. good to know. makes sense since my ration is...well, i'll just keep that to myself. c
  19. it is not on oink right now. c
  20. all good replies. thanks so much. it is like crack! i have only downloaded a few discs of commercial stuff. i also tell myself that its the 'sharers' or 'uploaders' that are getting busted. anyway, i think torrents are awesome for boots and out of print stuff. too bad we can't get all that centralized. anyway, good conversation here. c
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