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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. I love Jay solo. There's only two artists that keep me absolutely captivated live, Neil Young and Jay Farrar. I really wish I'd seen SV 1.0-Too bad he can't pull that together for the anniversary. That show would sell.
  2. And the title track of Zoot! Love that. BTW, what's the consensus on Joe's Garage. I love the production.
  3. I found there really early stuff hard to get into initially. I came around though. Over-night Sensation and Apostrophe are where I started. So fun.
  4. I can't help but think of that scene in Almost Famous director's cut when Lester Bangs and the kid reporter are talking about Lou doing Bowie and vice versa. Hilarious.
  5. Fun list. Not sure about Lou being above Bowie. Glad to Kris on there. Dylan #1 is not surprising. I'm surprised they didn't put Lennon and McCartney together. Henley/Frey? Although I like the Eagles, Henley and Frey were masters at making it seem like they wrote good songs…when in reality, most of their hits were written by other people, co-written with other people or were Joe Walsh songs. The ones they did write were made awesome by the other band members, especially Felder, Walsh and Meisner. Felder's solo on One of These Nights! Hell, Felder wrote their most famous riff, Hot
  6. He seems really into the Dead. Looking forward to hearing this. Quotes from othe band members seem positive too. I think Mayer will fit in. He's got a good tone for the music. I wonder if they'll do any of his song. He's got some counteyish stuff on his most recent albums. Might fit in well.
  7. I can't take care of you guys anymore.
  8. That's one I never picked up. Heard it at a friends house and it is so great. Hope all those random Jerry releases go digital one of these days. This looks like an interesting line up. It'd be cool if they did an album. Oteil will fit in really well. Mayer seems competent. Of course, Jeff is great. I wonder if Bob will be the leader.
  9. Well, if you took that personally...I wasn't even responding to your excellent cogent statement above. Is that misuderstanding and your bevy of evidence that my 'behavior' in other threads is grounds for calling me a troll? Where is this evidence of my behavior anyway? Everyone has negative or perceived to be negative posts here. No innocents. Reactionary, yes. The 'fool' example clearly wasn't intended at people on this board as I was talking about folks at a recent show. Also, after some thought I realized and said as much that I was the sad fool who couldn't get back on the train. I
  10. Wow. A troll? Really? Even comments from non-fans? Well, maybe I'm trying to fool myself into liking Phish again. Phish is different now. To me they are no longer the force they once were. I wish they were. I know posting negative opinions is a troll move though. I do think bands losing their virtuosity, for whatever reason, would be an interesting discussion. Especially rock to jazz. When you go see Wilco you're gonna see a very tight band that always nails it, with few exceptions. Different beasts I guess.
  11. Why do we put up with bands that quit caring? This would never fly in jazz or classical. Maybe rock really is the illegitemate step son of trained, gifted musical endevours. I'm really getting tired of it. No wonder so many rockers end up jazz heads. Even if the music isn't engaging, at least it's listenable and played well. Not to mention stellar produciton and mastering. I'm listening to dub these days. Went to Phish last Friday night and people were just fooling themselves that they were seeing some great band. What they saw was a band that is a mere shadow of what it once was. N
  12. This cowboy album sounds interesting. I'd really like to see a new Ratdog studio album or some sort of compilation of the new tunes Furthur did. Anyone know any good copies of Colors of Rain etc.?
  13. Since Fare Thee Well, I've been getting back into Phish a bit. Was a huge follower in the 90s. Just not interested since the first break up. I have been checking out some of the more recent shows on youtube and I kind of like this more mellow era of the band. The fugues are a rarity, the jamming is more grooves than solos, no more build ups etc. The band seems to be having fun and just taking it easy. One issue is that Trey could give two shits about playing 'parts' of old songs right. He definitely wants to just play vamps and licks here and there. And if parts are played right, Trey
  14. Not sure what this mythical album would've been called. I've talked about this before here. Definitely the tunes from Europe '72 would've made an excellent album. Mix in the 'new' tracks from Skull and Roses and it could've been a double…no doubt. They could've used the cover art from '72 or, just call it Skull & Roses and use that iconic artwork. Killer! Or, how about call it Steal Your Face (since He's Gone would've been on it) and make that a proper album. I think at this point in their career, they are all writing so much good stuff right after putting out 2 killer albums in one
  15. That show was mesmerizing. I hope he does a solo acoustic tour before it's all over. I saw him do that in 92 and it's probably my favorite concert ever.
  16. Why can't these dudes just bow out gracefully. Take time off, work on songs, put out a semi listenable product.
  17. http://www.dead.net/store/2000s/best-fare-thee-well-july-3-4-5-2015 Looks like there is going to be a 'Best Of' collection from Fare Thee Well along with the full shows. Couldn't find a setlist. This might be interesting. I was always ready to go after drums on the third night. I always loved first night of any run…just that energy.
  18. That was probably the best. Great energy that night. And, as I listen back, Trey fits in pretty well.
  19. Yeah, that was a great article. As a yankee living in the south, Patterson Hood has been very influential on my understanding of the 'duality of the southern thing.'
  20. Yeah, Sherwood is a longtime friend of the band. He's a great bass player and vocalist. The band has a tour scheduled for the fall in Europe where they are supposed to cover Drama and Fragile in full. The next one to go will probably be Alan White, the drummer. His tempos are so slow now. These bands are going to go on forever replacing one member after another as the years go on. Not sure how I feel about it. I think they should rebrand themselves as legacy acts rather than the actual band they've inherited.
  21. Ironically, one of the most iconic album covers of all time. Every time I see the Steel Your Face symbol I get all excited :-)
  22. Never been a huge fan of this guy, but this new one is hitting me hard. Really like this song from the abandoned states project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-GDRP8eAtg
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