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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. I think it's really just a problem with hesitancy and not knowing the songs. The Dead had played those songs so much that the arrangements were fairly tight. This is what's been missing from all the post-dead stuff. The Q just noodled. Herring plays solos all night, but doesn't nail it when it's time. I saw Phish in '12 and it was a joke compared to what that band used to do. I get the evolution, but no longer for me. All the solo parts were either f'd up, hesitant or non existent. Alas, if the 09 tour is any indication of what this might be, then I'm out. And I could give a shit a
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTBZuulCoPo Absolutely hilarious. Hitler responds to Dead 50th plans.
  3. Trey will not be ready to play. Nobody ever solos in these shows. They just dick around and are almost inaudible. That Trey St. Stephen is an outlier. JK kind of started soloing by the end of Furthur. Jerry soloed the entire night! Hornsby, Mickey and Billy will lay low. Phil will nail it, as he does every night. Bob will sing well, but pull they tempo way down. They will be under-rehearsed and play tunes they never rehearsed. It will be a slog. I feel like I should go to maintain my Dead credibility, I know I'd just be pissed. I do have some hope they pull it off though. Really t
  4. I'm trying to make friends with the digital age. I'm not going vinyl. I basically kept (and still buy) music from my top tier artists. The second tier stuff I've ripped and sold and buy online. It's so damn easy. Alas, I really miss the good old days of record stores and not having every tune ever at my finger tips. I think I listened more intently and was more intentional in my choices. However, at a certain age, it's really hard to be blown away at anything anymore. I'll never get the rush of hearing Black Dog again because I'll never be 15 again. I do still love a nice package like
  5. I hope Bruce whips them into shape and they rehearse. That's been the issue with all the incarnations, being under-rehearsed and lack of seasoning. Furthur was kind of getting there, but they still suffered from sluggish tempos. I would much rather see DSO than this. However, this could turn out to be amazing. If so, I hope they do some nice editing and put out a nice CD/DVD package. Will be interesting. If anything, please let Bruce sing all the Jerry tunes!
  6. I'd like to be able to see the Grateful Dead 5-10 times a year still.
  7. His playing really didn't go completely to shit until 92. The voice was horrible after 81. The dude wasn't even 40 yet!
  8. CRB album was great. Tweedy and DBT, not so much. And the Pink Floyd album was terrible.
  9. What I came to like about Furthur is that they were seasoned. If they do this thing with different guitar players, then it's gonna be a mess. I do like the idea of Hornsby playing with them. Barry Sless would be fun to see. I'm puzzled by the end of Furthur. What are the boys gonna do after 2015? Is Ratdog gonna slog around for another 5 years? Also, what's this about Phil riding Bob? I thought it was the other way around.
  10. http://www.jambands.com/news/2014/11/08/bob-weir-talks-carrying-jerry-garcia-s-dope-on-tour-dealing-with-painkillers-and-more-in-revealing-interview/ article on a recent bob interview. pretty revealing. comments are interesting. lots of conspiracy theories out there.
  11. It's absolutely horrid! I've lost all respect for the man. Comparing him to Dylan at this point is laughable.
  12. I grew to like Furthur and looked forward to seeing them. Alas, not to be. Hope JK pulls something together. I do not like The Dead with Warren. He doesn't fit at all, IMO and the shows I've heard with them are not good. But, I can see how the band might want to play with a guitarist who brings a different sound to the mix. As far as live releases go, I thought that 1980 Dave's picks was pretty bad. Who knows, I go back and forth. Love the Dead, but at times it's a nostalgia trip. Will definitely be interesting to see what happens in 2015.
  13. This kind of sucks. I've recently been digging some Furthur shows and warming up to JK's playing. I wonder what the future will bring? If the Dead do tour, I really hope they rehearse and get a good guitar player before hitting the road. The thing I liked about Furthur is that they became a seasoned band where as the one off bands always were a mess liveā€¦under rehearsed. I bet we see everyone from Furthur plus Mickey and Billy for 2015. That'd be fun!
  14. I love the CRB albums, but have not been impressed with live videos or tapes. Those Betty Blends are just so dull. Neal's a great guitar player, but he doesn't really jam too much. Not to mention the keys guy who seems kind of off most of the time. Kind of bar band quality. Too bad, cause they have some great tunes. They are coming around next week and I'm wondering if seeing them live might change my mind.
  15. that's a long show. around and johnny b. goode! pre-drums Throwin too. i still think it's crazy that Touch was in rotation for so long before the album.
  16. http://neilyoung.com new song. oh man, so bad.
  17. there's no substance at all man! it's rock and roll!
  18. JT wears on stage what he wore to shovel snow that morning. DRA has to make sure he has enough hair spray so that his hair stays in his face. Not to mention his perfect fitting jeans and jean jacket and his very calculated stances and moves on stage. Which is with Ryan Adams, the songs or the character? They don't fit together, at least not to me.
  19. Yeah, he's 40 for god's sake. Get over it. He could've been great, but I just cannot get over his shtick.
  20. i'd buy downloads if they came with a gatefold sleeve.
  21. http://www.jambands.com/news/2014/09/18/u2-and-apple-think-they-can-get-people-to-buy-music-again/ hi-rez?
  22. Wide Awake In America. The version on Rattle and hum is great too.
  23. I would add in Joshua Tree, of course. Unforgettable Fire is my favorite though. Bad is such a great song.
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