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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. new song neil's been playing. not on the track list for psychedelic pill. the song is a piano balled and it's great. nice harmonies as well. there's even a little stage play that goes along with it. my hunch is that the next project will be a more song oriented crazy horse album a la sleeps with angels or greendale two. he mentions the sequel in the new book. also, as neil has been going on and on about shitty sound quality these days, he's on camera in his latest movie saying he only listens to music in the car and if the song is good, it doesn't matter how good the speaker system is.
  2. from what i can glean from Shakey and the recent memoir is that neil is basically lost without david briggs. he didn't work with him in the 80s...go figure. then he died in 95, i believe. it's ironic, but true, lots of artists need someone to tell them what to do or they just fuck around. i think ruben is interesting in that he took artists (Cash, Neil Diamond) who had made shit records for decades, stripped them down, and forced them to make a real songwriting statement. in the new book, neil says that briggs told him exactly what you and i want...make music that is all you and keep all
  3. i have this vision of a candle lit dinner with a copy of AGIB on one chair.
  4. isn't the country already torn apart at the seams? anyway, i think it's really going to take a zombie apocalypse to reset the world. although, we'd probably fuck that up too.
  5. love him or hate him, he's been the man for the underproduced acoustic albums for several years now. i just think he would keep neil from dicking around:)
  6. a kindred spirit! i'm with you all the way. i put neil in my top 5, but when you look at his output for the last 30 years, it's pretty dismal. i just want some good songs. yesterday, for the millionth time, i filled the iPod with all of neil's 'worst' stuff. well, it's still bad. i could never get into anything in the 80s, although Life is not half bad. Trans is okay too, but the vocoder stuff is tough to take. late 80s, 90s were pretty good. good songs on freedom through sleeps with angels (probably his last classic album). i've tried to get into Mirrorball, but it just doesn't move
  7. this is highly questionable. the money spent on these so called entitlements are nothing compared to corporate subsidies and military spending. of course, if you looked at a gov. balance sheet you wouldn't see a category for military or corp subsidies. it's a lot more insidious than that.
  8. not a minor issue at all. imagine these folks working to help others...actually have well funded and well staffed clinics, schools, food banks, etc. if given a good wage and pension, this would be a great job and well worth the investment. much better use of money than some CEO's net worth that just sits generation after generation.
  9. yeah, clutching is on my list. i've heard it before. seamless album. glad to hear about afraid of sunlight. will put that at the top of the list too. it is too bad about the prog stigma. they really are more than that. same could be said for steven wilson and porcupine tree. it's just good modern rock that hipsters and dad rockers would like. i guess marillion doesn't play the states much these days. their last tour here was fan funded i think.
  10. frankly it's next to impossible to be in a touring bar (ish) band and stay sober. having been to many different treatment centers indicates some sticky stuff, but also that he's following direction. look forward to new music. wonder if he'll stick with the magnolia electric moniker or just play under his own name. it'd be cool if he started putting stuff out as Pyramid Electric Co.
  11. these are some good songs, but they are just way too long. i know that is sacrilege to say. in his book, neil says he always wants to put out good music. huh? i tired of Americana pretty quickly. that should have been a free download album from his site as Fork In The Road and living with war should've been. he's kind of in this cycle of serious album followed by a joke album. i've given up being a completist with him. hell, the new jason molina is the best neil young i've heard in a long time :-)
  12. this sounds great! didn't know this was out. hope he is currently doing well and following a program. it's hard to believe he maintained the output he did while struggling with an addiction that has resulted in 3 years of rehab. i bet he's written a shitload of material.
  13. good to know. i also was underwhelmed with the 90s set. it was too much of a good thing...maybe. i have to get a certain vibe of a show to really be into it. nothing really grabbed me on that set other than the stuff i'd already enjoyed in the past. i'm definitely getting that keystone set. looking at that show Aman posted i'm always in awe of how a jerry show could be 10 songs and last 3 hours! btw, side trips is just one big jazzy jam. cool stuff, but maybe not essential. i remember that when it came it out it was supposed to be a series.
  14. great to see the marillion thread here. i frequent progarchives forum and there is an ongoing marillion thread about 300 pages long. i wrote them off once, but over the last few years i have grown to really appreciate them. the are not a genesis rip off at all. if anything, their more recent stuff has some pink floyd influence. however, no band has ever done what they do. they take simple ideas and some how make them utterly compelling. they require some attention. although i don't have the new one, i've heard some of it and it sounds great! i'm still getting through the Fish era outp
  15. can't argue with any of this. just reading it makes me feel lighter. if only...
  16. oh yeah, i always feel sad after a great concert. its like saying good bye to great friends who live far away.
  17. anyone like that side trips album or hooterroll? i haven't pulled those out in years. i need to get he keystone set. love JGB. i hope the garcia camp can get their shit together are release some flac shows etc.
  18. not to mention that these countries (sweden etc.) have high levels of contentment, security and happiness reported. even iceland, which has a pretty bad economy and perpetual gray skies, professes a high happiness rate. there are issues and loopholes with any system, but i think if we levelled the playing field with education, wages, healthcare, food...the world would be a much nicer place. add clean air and it'd be paradise. i was just listening to an interview with AC Newman. he got an artistic grant from the canadian government to make the first new pornographers record. how cool i
  19. it's a slippery slope and i'm astonished at how many people who play the game by the game's rules and still have a very tough time are 'conservative'. unfortunately, many are not taught to think about what they believe and we get caught up in rhetoric. meanwhile, we're busting our asses playing by the rules...working, putting up with shit at work, getting shitty health care from overworked shitty practitioners, public school systems that are expected to solve every single problem society has, buying a house, building equity (not anymore)....i'm playing the game and i am just scraping to get
  20. yeah, that is a key point. aside from all the rhetoric, it does come down to beliefs based on experience. i think that most people will work if work is available. there will always be some that don't, but that's just the way it is. my experience in working with those who are forced to depend on some form of 'state help' would want nothing more than to be self sufficient. my experience in this is not just listening to people talk...it's real life experience. good points.
  21. i thought that short-lived US version of Kath and Kim was hilarious. i hate sitcoms and it was so funny. of course, it got cancelled. as far as best show, The Wire. hard to watch though. obviously Seinfeld. something is 'the best' if it has repeat value. i could watch seinfeld everyday. i remember jerry was on larry king who was out of it. king says, 'so the show got cancelled?' and jerry just let's him have it saying 'it was the greatest sitcom on television!' loved freaks and geeks. undeclared was fun too.
  22. not to mention corporate welfare, disabled folks. the fact is the folks who work the most hours (several jobs) Don't make the money and don't have benefits etc. i mean, as human beings, do we give a shit about anyone else? I for one think it would be a lot easier making it through the day if everyone made good wages, had health care etc...even if they were lazy...which most people aren't.
  23. i've been there. i never listen to being there or summer teeth anymore. the whole love really didn't blow me away. i want to revisit AGIB in the near future, but i know what you're saying. there are a few songs by my favorite bands i can always hear, but it comes in phases. i haven't listened to the beatles in 5 years. i felt so out of it with all the remaster buzz. neil young is also a favorite, but i'm a bit tired of his constant output that is less than mediocre. the only band i could ever see several times a tour is neil young acoustic. even that might get boring. the grateful
  24. glad to see paul doing something. he had some good solo albums in the early 00s.
  25. i'm just being an asshole. sorry. they definitely have jazz training. i'm reminded of a more straight ahead tortoise.
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