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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. so welch wasn't there for the RAR? there were so many folks in that band.
  2. the dead influence is what i was hoping for. gonna get this ASAP. didn't know it already came out. There's another album coming out too i believe.
  3. Love love love Welch era Fleetwood Mac! this is sad. RIP brother. loved his remake and the original of Sentimental Lady not to mention Miles Away, Emerald Eyes etc.
  4. Joe Walsh-Analog Man not bad. it's produced by jeff lynn so it sounds like full moon fever production for walsh
  5. Ain't Talkin' was pretty long too, but it was no Highlands. that's a great tune. so is this going to be dylan's answer to gordon lightfoot's wreck of the edmund fitzgerald?
  6. that sounds interesting. i really liked modern times. haven't checked out his last one yet.
  7. bon iver-for emma is pretty good.
  8. i listened to a bit of it. i'm always leary of bands 're-using' lyrics from their old hits. album might be good though. definitely has that more modern production. my favorite latter day song from them is definitely What It Takes. i loved that video of them in the studio.
  9. thanks so much for posting that video interview. loved the part where garcia is talking about how he had to teach dylan his own songs. also, his explanation about not bringing back old tunes made a lot of sense. what is it about hearing jerry play? nothing like it...love it!
  10. Well, Okemah is more of a classic sounding son volt album. the search is a different animal. really good songs, some experimental songs, keyboards, horns, and more of a compressed sound. it's also less concise than previous SV releases. it has what i consider one of jay's classics, Methamphetamine. up there with Tear Stained Eye. i really liked American Central Dust. love your comment about amazon. i've looked at my buying history and am surprised all the time. "I bought that!"
  11. JW-cool story. i went to miami of ohio and we drove back and forth for two days for those shows. crazy and fun. i probably didn't give trigger hippy much of a chance. need to listen more. crowes and chris do some great covers. i love the brotherhood's versions of the love each other and sugaree. hope the albums are like this. also, love to see crowes doing neil young's LA. love that tune. have checked out amorica several times. just doesn't click. she gave good sunflower and wiser times are great songs though. i saw them on the southern harmony tour. loudest show i ever s
  12. i'm not a huge crowes fan either. i loved southern harmony, but then lost interest. their last actual album was good. i like the direction they are/were going. i love neal casel and this brotherhood stuff sounds pretty groovy. neal should play with furthur...duh. trigger hippy...talk about derivative.
  13. is this chris rhodes (sp?) ?? {there was a friend of friend who's reaction to that ramble on rose was kind of legendary} anyway, that was a really fun show for me. i had had a nasty ear infection and it totally cleared up for that show. i could hear again!! that ramble on rose was classic. UJB had a crazy jam as well. also, jerry was playing his new guitar and it sounded almost acoustic. damn, there was nothing like fall tour shows in the midwest. cool air, sweaters, falling leaves, new tapes from summer tour. good times. miss it every fall.
  14. he's also doing an acoustic thing with weir as well has has two albums coming out with the Brotherhood. this seems interesting.
  15. did y'all have that one kind of shady dude in your town that somehow had 100s of SBDs and was at every show? we did. also a guy in college. after undergrad i toured in a local jamband and we became friends with an actual taper. he camped with us at a bunch of phish shows. we thought we were so cool listening to that night's show just 2 hours after it ended. ah, the days.
  16. well said about addiction. the jerry book by blair seems to indicate that jerry thrived in the JGB and Grisman context. would've been cool if he could've stayed with this and chilled out with dead a while. i for one was totally exhausted when jerry died. it was like i finally had a legitimate reason to not tour. i kind of got really crazy about it all seeing as many shows i could etc. i'm still that way about concerts, but i'm getting better. the wall is coming through town and although i feel like i should go, i really don't want to. goofy, i know i would've loved to see the bo
  17. i know some of that story, but would like to hear more details. i can see how the boys didn't give a shit in getting a new keys guy. jerry was exhausted. didn't know Bralove was involved with vince's sound. it was pretty bad and at times way to high in the mix. i didn't let it get in the way of enjoying shows though. bruce would've been a great replacement, but he had his own cheese ball ideas. too bad. those shows with him in 90-91 were interesting if at times a bit sloppy and muddy. i loved hearing stander and valley road in the first set and bruce singing on jack straw.
  18. LOL! how about...Samba in the Rain Baby Samba in the Raaaaain. yeah he was more of a pop dude than brent. kind of a weird choice. i don't know why they didn't just hire some studio guy to sit in and play piano. at the end his tunes had been played way too much. i did like way to go home though. that bridge was awesome.
  19. my sense is that the heads were always gracious and accepted vince. damn, there were always cheers for his tunes.
  20. interesting points. i LOVE brent tunes! (except I WIll Take You Home). nothing better than a first set with a nice brent tune thrown in. add a phil tune and it's perfect. i did love brent's organ and at the end he had a good piano sound. the tiny rhodes sound he had in the mid 80s was tough to take. unfortunately, vine's organ sound was too digital. his piano playing was okay. i liked his songs too, but would have much rather heard them in the first set. he was what he was for that era of the dead. nothing really classic, but some gems, as i've said before. would've been fun to hav
  21. i don't mind donna. she can be a little annoying at times. brent was my favorite though!
  22. i liked joan osborne. that tour was fun. not mind blowing. i just remember having a great time. of course that's about 90% of it. however, even hearing a second set opener victim or the crime by the grateful dead live right now would be transcendent
  23. stu allen above. if Furthur got him, I'd pay good money to see them. he actually solos. maybe the boys don't want a soloist these days.
  24. i just love Hornsby's voice and i think he just feels the Jerry tunes (Loser, Sugaree). too bad he has wasted his talent on whatever he's been doing. i'll never get the phish grateful dead thing. some of the same fans, but way different bands. stu allen is great!
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