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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. In order of albums- I Thought I Held You Sunken Treasure Pie Holden Suite Mountain Bed Kamera Bob Dylan's Beard Hell Is Chrome Either Way One Wing Sunloathe
  2. Ghost is Born is my favorite Wilco album and probably one of my top 10/20 albums of all time. I never tire of it and will never forget listening to At Least That's What You said on wilcoworld before the album came out. Transcendent. Tweedy in all his glory with John and Glenn. Perfect. add in O'rourke's production and Leroy's magical touch...so great!
  3. good point. i guess i just prefer kimock noodling around. herring and kimock would be awesome. mark karan is not bad either, but again, he never plays solos. oh well. wishful thinking it is. i remember rumors that the band was going to continue and possible replacements for jerry were david hidalgo from los lobos and santana. now david hidalgo would have been interesting. the can jam.
  4. yes, 98 other ones was the best it's been since JG died. that first The Dead thing at alpine valley was pretty good too. but all these incarnations have been under-rehearsed and lacking in...JERRY. my dream would be to see all surviving members with hornsby on keys and Kimock on lead. hornsby would sing all of jerry's tunes and bob would sing his. it just never worked with a JG sound alike. it's gotta be guitarist with their own style and sound that fits in...not just filling space.
  5. yeah, PLQ was pretty fun. Herring fits right in and i love his style when mixed with the Dead repertoire. John was good in DSO. he nailed all the little jerry nuances, but DSO could not jam to saver their lives. so, not only does john not jam/solo he's all hesitant looking over at Bob and Phil all the time.
  6. glad you got he joke. didn't want to ruffle any feathers. i know some folks LOVE Furthur. at this point, i'm not sure what post-dead group is worth going to see. mayber 7Walkers.
  7. getting into neil young over the last 25 years, i've gotten to know a lot of his awesome sidemen. sad to hear this about Duck. he played on lots and lots of stuff, not just with Neil. RIP brother.
  8. Bob Weir-"Okay everyone, we got this state of the art studio here so let's play everything at the slowest tempo possible. Also, we must sound like Ratdog. John, please stay as nonexistent as always. And finally, turn Phil all the way down." Just not a fan of Furthur fan. It's sad, because I think this was the last shot the boys had to pull it together before they get too old. thank you so much for the recommendations!! i have a few tape fillers from 85 first sets. so your theory holds up. Of course, another gem is the only She Belongs to Me. transcendent.
  9. love year of the horse and ragged glory. hope there is a tour this summer or fall.
  10. i remember having that hershey show on a shitty 3rd gen tape. i was never a fan of 85 (the heroin years?). i just dont like garcia's voice. he sounds so listless. the playing is good, except for brent's toy piano sound. the set lists were very interesting too. cryptical! ? need to check some of those out again. funny how we all have our favorite eras. garcia's playing really didn't drop until '92 as far as i can tell. even then, there were some nuggets in each show.
  11. loved greendale and dare i say, i like broken arrow more than ragged glory! thanks for the link wild frank.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30B1tb9g4GU new years '83 opening up for the dead. very cool. too bad the 80s were rough for them. i'm very thankful to have their 90s output and to have seen them then. a breath of fresh air in the grunge/alternative era.
  13. right on. love to hear CSNY-Deja Vu and of course Zep 4 again for the first time. man, Stairway!
  14. i will probably read this in one night. really looking forward to it.
  15. cool to see them playing some gems from sunflower and surf's up. probably my two favorite Beach Boys albums. if you took the best from both of those albums you'd have a masterpiece.
  16. Corin is a badass drummer. she's got her on feel and style like Glenn, Levon, Jody. if Glenn ever left Wilco, she'd be a good replacement.
  17. i was reading on wiki that this john cale album influenced the yhf sound of wilco.
  18. yeah, her star is shining. portlandia, portlandia live, wild flag. she's it. wild flag is a tight rock album. her blog over at npr a few years back is good too. i think she's also writing a memoir.
  19. i love Carrie! she is so cool and hilarious. that box of tapes looks like mine circa 1991! btw, Portlandia is well worth checking out if you haven't. smart and hilarious for us aging Gen-Xers.
  20. was there ever an official name for that jam at the end of Eyes 73-76. they do it in the dead movie as well as on vault I. we used to call it the 9 jam (a la the eleven). i love it! that G#m to Emaj7 back and forth then the riff...etc.
  21. thanks for posting. that is so cool. obviously i want to listen to the dead right now.
  22. the new song isn't too bad. as far as the shows go...no Surf's Up? my favorite BB song.
  23. voodoo chile..nice. my point about watchtower was that we could only play 3 chord tunes and just jam them out a la grateful dead. i can play a lot more intricate stuff these days, but never Rush, then or now. that is just so cool. i can't imagine going to some HS battle of the bands and seeing LA Villa. funny story, we were basically the hippie band, go figure. we pulled together some band showcase thing sr. year and got a few other bands involved. so all these really bad HS bands playing red hot chili peppers and stuff play. we thought we were hot shit when we got out there and cou
  24. la villa in a HS band! badass. we played 30 minute versions of all along the watchtower in my HS band :-)
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