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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. i thought he was pretty cool in crazy heart so i picked up his most recent album...Junky Star. i like it.
  2. i'm with you. i think they are kind of in a rut. it seems like all minor riffs and melodies. what happened to the uplifting melodies of...well...roll the bones.
  3. it is true what you said above. take a break maybe. no way anything like this would be given a first look if it was a new artist. neil is confounding, he plops this song onto an 8 song album while leaving off two way better tracks. i'll still get the album...however, i'm sad the initial idea of doing a solo album was jettisoned. it would be neat to see neil leave for a few years and grieve the loss of his friends and come back with a real killer album. btw-angry world would have been way more digestible had this been with crazy horse.
  4. enjoying your posts buddy. so, do you like the Presto album? how about the most recent stuff? i'd forgotten that alex spilled the beans about jacobs ladder. i think there was talk of them doing perm waves before the idea to do moving pictures was decided upon. that may have been where the jl comment came from. these guys are pretty nice about throwing a bone to big fans. they always seem to play some random tune from the 80s as well as recent bust outs like entre nous. they also gotta keep the classic rock crowd happy with tom sawyer etc:)
  5. i agree with everything you've said here crowe. the internet has really fucked up my music listening. more to wade through. at the same time, i can't help checking neil young sites every day to get the latest info. as far as setlists go, if i'm really concerned about the set, then i probably shouldn't go to the show, b/c i won't enjoy it.
  6. hilarious! 'their saint stephen.' they're a great band with some of those classic songs that make me want to pump my fist in the air and just jump up and play air guitar. there was a pretty strong rumor that they were supposed to play jacob's ladder this tour. no luck. i too could do without the goofy movies, medley, and the messing with la villa. oh well. still not sure i'm gonna hit the show in atlanta in a few weeks. fyi-i'm pretty sure the mr. incident was on the presto tour. saw that tour with mr. big opening.
  7. yeah it's an angry world...yeah yeah yeah... oh well, i'm trying really really hard to be open-minded about this:)
  8. http://www.examiner.com/bob-dylan-in-national/rumor-neil-young-s-bridge-benefit-2010-to-include-buffalo-springfield-plus-friends-of-bob-dylan in other news, rumor that Buffalo Springfield is gonna play Bridge??? !!! i guess they could do it as the three main dudes are left. would be neat to see rusty young and jim messina turn up as well.
  9. Greg Kot tweets- "Just spoke to Neil Young. Says death of Ben Keith means "I won't be able to perform 70% of my repertoire with a band ever again." maybe a little extreme, but shows how sad ben's passing is.
  10. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE68B1SH20100913
  11. just skimmed this thread to see what others thought about the album. i know it's old news, but i've been working with it since it's release and i think it's finally coming together. i have a hard time with shonna's first song. dropping that would have made the album a nice 12 songs. other than that, its pretty good. daddy learned to fly and fourth night of my drinking i love so much. the production is very different. more of a live feel and less studio warmth than say decoration day. anyway, i wonder when we'll start hearing about go go boots. probably bumped to the spring? MODE
  12. as a parent i relate and am sending positive vibes via nels cline guitar sounds to you and your daughter and entire family;-)
  13. love the electric 12 string too. does he play that on any wilco songs?
  14. awesome! i love how jeff was holding the symbol and playing it. i liked the keys.
  15. how long can these guys go on? all of them. it will be interesting to see what happens to ROCK in the next 10 years. not everyone can be willie nelson or dylan. or maybe they can.
  16. 3 of those tunes on the mystery demos ended up on the olson louris album. there's also some chatter that some known songs from that period have been left off as olson and louris want them held for another olson/louris album or the potential new jayhawks album. exciting news!
  17. wasn't elton involved with neil young too recently.
  18. thanks for posting. this looks very cool. i'm sure there are some awesome photos in there. i love some of tom's more harrowing album covers...Blood Money comes to mind;)
  19. Vacant Horizon


    with a cool slipcover?
  20. love autumn defense. one of the best concerts i've ever seen. on top of that i got to meet john and pat. love the second album. silence is so great. psyched for new album!
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