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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. there are reports that LincVolt was in there...neil's electric car project. man, neil has had a hell of a few years with his losses. too bad.
  2. okay, so i'm an idiot. there was a second band during the initial wall tour, right. is this band actually playing the intro? if so, they're damn good.
  3. god dammit i love floyd! that vid is so cool. yeah, i'm not feeling the ticket thing. we'll see. i'm def going down. the buzz will be cool:)
  4. i'm going downtown to try to get a ticket outside next thursday in atlanta. we'll see. i usually have pretty good luck with that. i wonder if it's sold out. ironically, i've been listening to the Final Cut the last few weeks. i'd like to hear him tour that one. btw, didn't know there was an extra tune inserted on Final Cut with the 2001 remaster. When Tigers Broke Free. i only had passing familiarity with the original version. was this a big issue for floyd fans?
  5. yeah, i heard it was over money. however, what the hell are those dudes doing? day jobs? they could play in son volt. it's more complicated that that, i know.
  6. also, it keeps the record co. putting stuff out. there are gonna be springsteen fans for decades and there needs to be stuff to be released. neil is frustrating because the archives were supposed to be this clearing house, but turned out to a giant greatest hits collection with some interesting unreleased stuff. i'm a huge neil fan and haven't bought it. his initial remasters were way over due, but at this point, who cares. i got the first one. the levels are still shit. sound is cleaner though. who knows.
  7. http://www.buzzsugar.com/Getting-Bob-Dylan-325750 the above link is to an old blog about how to get into dylan. the author suggests Highway 61, bringing it all back home and blonde on blonde for starters. i've been trying to 'get into' dylan for years. nothing ever nailed me except for a few songs. that a being said, as i get older i'm interested in more literate music and find the visceral reaction to music waxing. so i'm giving highway 61 real chance. i've always loved his idea of a band just jangling along as he sings 10 verses. reading chronicles was like reading he lyrics to
  8. his live show is supposed to be good. tells a lot of stories and has story songs. can't really get into his records though.
  9. yeah, too bad they can't work it out. i really think the 'new guys' in son volt are not more than bar bandits. just my opinion.
  10. almost Neil Young level of annoying. hilarious! so you can't buy darkness by itself? that blows!
  11. this is fascinating. i love the lost albums. didn't know this about springsteen. is there a good website explaining all of this? anyway, could it be that bruce has issues with just letting his songs stand alone with just the band, or just him and not all the 'stuff'? i think neil young has this problem. of course, i don't know as much about bruce to really have an opinion.
  12. okay, i see where your coming from. good points. it is interesting. those first three son volt albums was a great run. i still don't get not getting back with the boquist brothers. or at least a real country type on the lead guitar position...kind of like the dude he's playing with now:)
  13. to me it doesn't seem he's going through the motions on this version. he's singing it slow and is really into it. definitely in folk mode. now, as far as growing, i'm always curious what folks mean by that. jay is jay. what would grow mean? artists just can't win. they grow and they get panned for it being bad. they don't grow and they get shit for not growing. just some thoughts. what would a grown up jay farrar look like:)
  14. Here's the article. I wonder when the Gob Iron II/Guthrie songs are gonna come out. Will Johnson and Jim James are supposedly involved with these. MN PUBLISHED: 11/04/2010 SALLY HEDBERG What: Jay Farrar When: Nov. 5 Where: Turf Club Cost: $16 In America, 20-some years ago, a group of kids made a permanent and rebellious musical mark. They defied the norms of popularity and boldly strummed into a genre where even the most brazen of punk rockers would not dare or care go: Country. Their band was called Uncle Tupelo, and for a few years, content in their new creation
  15. tear stained eye from recent solo tour linked above. read an article over at farrar's message board that he is in full acoustic folk mode. i think you can tell by this nice, slow version of TSE. he also has a new dude playing with him. wonder if he'll join son volt?
  16. he also did a country record during the tom joad sessions, didn't he? is that swing record? charlie rose asked bruce about the promise not being on tracks. bruce knew all along he was gonna release this stuff. so great. as i said earlier, i really can't wait for a remaster of Greetings. that initial pressing is almost unlistenable. same goes for e street shuffle.
  17. billy's 7 walkers cd is out today. i'm fast realizing he has been the best post-dead member in terms of creativity and product.
  18. right-these guys love to save stuff so in 50 years we'll see the headline...'rare springsteen tracks found in nuclear fallout shelter as clean up continues from the zombie apocalypse'. neil young and dylan are the same way. i like the way bruce and dylan are releasing their stuff though. we'll get a dylan and springsteen release every few years for eternity which is fine by me:)
  19. i really like her when she sings harmony. it's a classic sound of latter day bruce. i can see how folks may not want to hear it on the older stuff. BTW=the stream at NPR sounds great. damn, the remastering is tremendous! please please remaster Greetings!!
  20. WOAD kind of grew on me. it's got some great pop songs. the wrestler should not have been a bonus track though. if anything, outlaw pete should've been. magic is great. the rising was too long, but damn it had some great songs. i wish he hadn't buried the actual song 'the rising' near the end though. just a great song for the times.
  21. oh, it's platonic all the way. i just like his posts! you're lucky though
  22. i love you redjim. can't wait to hear your thoughts on Summerteeth. after wilco, you need to check out Loose Fur.
  23. there's really no need for it. tweedy probably has no interest in revisiting those old songs or the bass guitar. it's not like there was some magic there when they sang or played on par with CSN or olson and louris. i would much rather see jay farrar get back together with the boquist brothers. why that hasn't worked out is beyond me. what the hell are those guys doing anyway?
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