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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. And why aren't you on that problem instead of wasting time here?
  2. The Ion thing is pretty cool though, like the costume. Nice to see Hal back where he belongs though. Rebirth was great.
  3. Zach joined yesterday and he is getting stuff mailed to him. All I get is verbal abuse. Hmmm...
  4. Panthers, Kicking Television and some live stuff. Not terribly imperative to have.
  5. They will only stream for me, won't download.
  6. I can't get this movie to load for me!
  7. The third series has only just started here last night and I cannot keep myself from clicking in here!!!
  8. I vote for caliber! I preferred the caliber 42 but 66 is good too.
  9. Jeez, you guys fight about anything you know that?
  10. The gap between Cold Roses, Jacksonville City Nights and 29 was unbearable.
  11. So when do we get the Christmas skin here?
  12. Maybe he has. That relationship with Ken Bates seems a bit suspect to me anyway.
  13. There was this guy who was in the navy with me and he never liked music at all until someone gave him a Cure album and he went the whole 9 yards and got all their stuff and got his hair dyed to go to a gig. Half an hour into the gig his home dye job was dripping all over his face! He was in some state in the pub after the gig!
  14. No. Just the whole elf/bender thing. No scandal apart from him being a tosser.
  15. I was a Jordan fan from years back but I did get into the whole Corps mythology. I like Jon Stewart and Kyle Rayner. Never liked the Guy Gardner one. Kilowog is one huge mofo though.
  16. You obviously never ran into Dennis Wise on a night out then.
  17. Disintegration, Pornography, Seventeen Seconds. Love 'em!
  18. God, if he doesn't look fugly these days in it though.
  19. I knew a girl once who was called that. Was a better name than Karen anyway.
  20. Fuck, I'd love it if I saw them just once.
  21. Cum bunker. Surely that should be a name for some sort of IUD or contraceptive device.
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