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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Word. It's all about the music. If you want smiles and accessability go read Hello magazine.
  2. Anyone ever settle back and just think that Jay is just a different kind of person? So what if he doesn't want to chat or whatever. The man makes consistently great music and that should be the bottom line.
  3. Hmm, I was 17 then. I shall have to re-think my ageist attack on you A-Man. Well played.
  4. The Paradiso is a lovely venue. I am just back from a week in Amsterdam and had a great time there. Great acoustics in there which isn't surprising as it is a former church. I think.
  5. JCN was my favourite of the recent triptych. But come on, nine albums in seven years. Ryan, take some time off...go to the beach. Give us a chance to live with the albums before you hit us with another truckload of music.
  6. Your post was good but I couldn't keep my eyes off that monkey avatar looking suspisiously like he was wanking.
  7. Awesome album. The Cedar Room is brilliant. Great Scottish band who I discovered when they supported Richmond Fontaine.
  8. Irish audiences are always great and I am not being partisan here either. I sure hope Wilco come here on the tour for the new record. Cos if they don't I shall have to shoot Solace. Obviously.
  9. Stop making fun of the handicapped. Surely there are some French people you can poke fun at.
  10. Anyone into football, yes football not soccer, should pick up a copy of this wonderful book all about Dutch football and it's origins.
  11. Who said that? I want names, dates and times on my desk by morning.
  12. Change them back! Change is bad juju.
  13. You're welcome. Now take your hand off my knee.
  14. Jesus, what did you fuckers do in the days before the internet when you had to wait for the album to show up in stores? Take the rod outta yer asses! It'll be here when it gets here. Until then listen to Boys and Girls In America till your ears bleed from the rocky goodness.
  15. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. My mother said that. She also told me to "get your fucking head outta the fridge!" She was volatile like that.
  16. Labelling music sucks mostly but for the want of a better term for describing to someone what you listen to I suppose you must use some sort of terminology. I usually just say American music or rootsy music. Or just tell people to fuck off. That works too.
  17. Didn't the band that sang that get a Grammy for Best New Act or something that year? A swing and a miss!
  18. Holy shit! One thing I would never have guessed I would see on a music message board is a mention of hurling!!! Of course, those are all Offaly bogmen and cannot hold a candle to the Rebel County! BIFFO - Big Ignorant Fucker From Offaly.
  19. The first thing in this thread which hasn't been a mutual wankfest. The Wire rools!
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