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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. This will be in the middle of the night for me. I wonder if the stream will still be running tomorrow morning when I get up.
  2. I hear they've expanded to a five piece now. Billy Big Times!
  3. I only suggested Nero because that is what I use. I have never used anything else to burn discs and I only use WinAmp for playback so I don;t know a lot about WMP anyway. Hope you sort it out.
  4. It's a valid question. Fair and balanced is my motto. No wait...
  5. Well, godammit...I like the album. Lucinda is teh fox and sings like a dream!
  6. I wonder does Bill O'Reilly give to her in the ass.
  7. When are Uncle Tupelo releasing a new album?
  8. Outstanding news! WZ is such a genius...listening to his music should be mandatory. "Your pretty face, it looked so wasted...another pretty face devastated" I am dying to hear the stuff on Prelude.
  9. Good. Maybe I can bounce them off your big fucking forehead.
  10. Women love that mysterious mumbling stuff...bastard.
  11. What kind of public figure is this? Standing around with his hands in his pockets, like a bum. http://www.bostoncrimewatch.com/blog/_arch...12/2568540.html
  12. Oh I just collect data on Prime Ministers. Margaret Thatcher had a mirror in her bathroom that played Mirror In The Bathroom every time you switched on the light.
  13. How small is your living room Mr. Blair?
  14. I'm 59 and...is there gonna be any pudding today?
  15. No. I think someone said earlier that the internet is about porn. I tend to agree.Then again, I am wearing lederhosen.
  16. I am no huge fan boy concerning Wilco. I do enjoy them but I don't consider them genius or anything. I really like Either Way and You Are My Face is excellent. Walken, I could take or leave that since the day I heard it. No Jim O'Rourke this time is there? The songs seem to be less cluttered to me, simple good songs. How bad is that?
  17. Are your parents home? I can bring some around...
  18. I must say that Neon Bible is taking a while to win me over but then again Funeral did the same and I ended up adoring that to pieces. They are outstanding and far and away the best thing in music currently. I first saw them on a tv clip that I think Solace put up on the Jayhawks board and I was knocked out by their energy and their sound. All that from a tv clip too I might say. There was a bit of a hub-bub over here when their tickets went on sale recently. Seemingly they were snapped up and going for 4,5 and 6 times their face value on e-bay less than 20 minutes later. Questions asked
  19. Words of wisdom from Mr. Hiatt!
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