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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Why not? It will make you seem cool and down with "the kids".
  2. Canadian money.....not worth the paper it's printed on.
  3. I'm waiting people. I have a criminal empire to run here....time is money.
  4. Great choice. I have been playing it all week. Definitely one of the year's best so far.
  5. Can someone PM me their bank details and Jeff Tweedy's as well please?
  6. Calexico

    Sky Blue Sky

    Side With The Seeds has a great guitar finish to it. I am presuming this is Nels? Loved that work.
  7. Fuck me...all the people looking for links! Big demand for sausages. So, how was it? Is it brilliant,great,awesome etc or is it Wilcoasis?
  8. I also tend to go through a phase where I listen to nothing but Cave and then have to wean myself off it before I start shooting people in the street. The Grinderman album has got a serious bad ass groove to it. My favourite Cave song is probably Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum by Nick Cave and The Dirty 3, from his B-Sides collection. Shiver up the spine time.
  9. I'd like to thank you guys for putting this stuff up. I know how time consuming it is making sure it is all good to go before uploading. Beer and hot dogs for you both!
  10. On certain Sundays yes. Plus the fact that lightning is so fiddly to work with. Hard on the hands.
  11. I won't. I refuse to take part in this shocking debacle!
  12. Nice delivery of the song but I don't think it would shake Warren's version off the perch for me. It is one of my fave songs of his. That and Tenderness On The Block. Still a nice mellow version of it though.
  13. Anyone else enjoying this set from Nick Cave and some of his bad seeds? That Electric Alice track reminds me of the VU. Must be the drone of the violin. Great album but then again did we expect anything less from Saint Nick?
  14. Well, you know us Irish...we will turn up anywhere and wreck the joint.
  15. I hear he only has nine toenails. Something about selling the other one to Alice Cooper for a shot at rock stardom.
  16. Film buff and now you are a peanut trajectory engineer too? You have too many strings to your bow.....shady.
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