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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. No fucking Irish dates again. I am not travelling to England just to see them. Fuck yinz!
  2. Umm, I dunno....he never mentioned that. Now I am angry with him.
  3. You will never get back the time you have just wasted watching that fat, unfunny prick. Toss! For the Brits here, I have just finished watching the season finale of Shameless. Shark. Jumped. I will not be back for a new series if it comes back. The whole life of the series,The Gallaghers, has been ripped from the show and replaced by the gruesome Maguires. Terrible season.
  4. Maybe it's just me. The WS do pretty much nothing for me musically. I would totally shag Meg but that is hardly the point.
  5. The BBC new site for me along with the Guardian newspaper and the BBC World Service and Radio 4. And a couple of Irish new radio talk programs as well.
  6. And then used them as targets for his celestial bow and arrow.
  7. Well you might wanna go back and school him some more....tell him to hurry up.
  8. Excellent! I shall be looking forward to this album. I love me some FOW.
  9. Me too. I found them and they sent me a free pair of Tweedy's underpants with it.
  10. Insistor is one of the best songs I have heard in years.
  11. OK. I shall start some then and berate myself afterwards. You can count on me.
  12. Most of them probably are cos there is no one left here now only the Polish and Lativans.
  13. I am not a big fan of them myself either, or the saxaphone come to think of it. I hate this Jay vs Jeff thing. It smacks of high school triballism. Isn't there enough manufactured pop shite out there to rail against rather than bitch and moan about two decent musicians and their work? If you don't like one or the other, fair enough. No need to denigrate and deride their work if it is not to your taste though. Apropos of nought....the nicest musician I ever met was Willy Vlautin from Richmond Fontaine. He sat and drank and chatted with us at our table after their gig a week or so back. Top no
  14. Sorry. That was me on your phone in the back room. I was ordering pizza. Oh and some hookers. I used your plastic, I'll pay you back.
  15. Those three songs sopund pretty good to me. I especially like You Are My Face. As for avant garde...fucking hell, a few blips and bleeps on a record hardly makes Wilco into Tangerine Dream led by LaMonte Young.
  16. In fairness, the horns are only on one track and I think it kinda works. It was a bit strange at first but it works for the song. Some of the songs towards the end of the album are brilliant.
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