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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Is this why I couldn't get on here yesterday and had to go hassle the admins on the David Hasselhoff board?
  2. Some good choice there among all that lot. I love me some Rush as well. The Dixie Chicks album is great and I love any of the Destiny's Child/Beyonce singles....they are shaketastic.
  3. I hardly think Jools will take up the offer. What with his tv show, his big band stuff and his radio stuff he seems to be pretty busy and he has always baulked at reliving his band days.
  4. I seem to be the only person I know who the album is not connecting with. It just isn't hitting me as hard as Funeral did.
  5. I freaked out this morning when I saw the trailer...will it ever come?
  6. You are clearly entitled to your opinion but good Christ! Not even Tweedy would agree with you on that. Much as I like Wilco....in 40 years they will be barely a footnote in American musical history. The Band's legacy will be just as strong then as it is now.
  7. It would be great to see all the former member's in the band onstage but even with Glenn and Chris it will be great. Love that band, awesome singles band.
  8. I love REM more than any other band and I have been sadly disappointed in the output since Bill left the band. Some stuff on each album was ok but the majority of the music on the three albums was bland to say the very least. Bill was such an important figure in REM.They still put on a great live show but now seem to be living on their laurels. This generation's Rolling Stones...great live shows and disappointing studio albums. A very sad way to go, they would have been better off calling it a day.
  9. Stick it to that one legged bitch!
  10. That's John Coltrane man...so it's either a drug pipe or an instrument!
  11. Do I get booted out of here for loving AM then? I think it is a top three album from the band.
  12. I wouldn't pay him any mind....he has barely posted before, 50 or so in two years and he didn't really get much support anyway. Besides, everyone knows I own that board.
  13. Laney, there is no way you could afford to go to the Bahamas!
  14. Yeah, ours is the follwing Monday on Irish tv or Sunday night on English tv but it clashes with 24 so that's a no no. What is going on with bringing in the random two extra people lately? The two on the beach when Hurley comes back looking for help in getting the van up and running.
  15. Oh nice one....I don;t have to keep avoiding this thread then for fear of spoilers. Or cooties.
  16. Why do people always rip on the Eagles? Sure they may be dickheads but they made some pretty good tunes in their time.
  17. I am holding out for when Wilco get the cover of this.
  18. Sometimes a pony gets depressed. Love the Jews....How To Rent A Room is teh schizzle.
  19. That cat is far too good for the likes of you.
  20. Last epi of Third Watch details. Clicky What episode are you guys in the States on in Lost? Last night we saw the one where Hurley finds the VW van.
  21. If your last name is Zepheniah that would be so great. If not, oh well...welcome to the madness!
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