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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Yea I see where you are coming from with that and I have even heard shades of New Order in there but still I am kind of iffy on the whole thing. Maybe with another few listens it might reveal itself a little more.
  2. John Martyn's Solid Air and anything by Low.
  3. Just finished the two EPs and the album, only one run through yet but I am kinda underwhelmed. I mean it's ok in it's own way but it just seems like every North American indie band these days sounds like every other North American indie band. It all seems to blur into one big indie hodgepodge. Like how a hundred bands wanted to sound like Oasis back when they were flavour of the month. Maybe it is just me. Uncut gave away a cd last month with their pick of the "New North American Indie" and that sounded the exact same. The only things that stood out for me on that cd were Tapes 'n Tapes and
  4. I just got this and the two EPs. Ill thought out judgement to follow.
  5. Calexico

    Top 5

    1. Dennis Bergkamp 2. Thierry Henry 3. Ian Wright 4. Liam Brady 5. Steve Williams
  6. My mistake, of course it is. Sorry, I was rushing off to watch Lost and wasn't paying attention. Nothing new there.
  7. That was the Colonel you were talking to, not the General.
  8. Has anyone bought one of these Chinese dissidents yet? Do they come with free fortune cookies?
  9. Not quite as grubby as prostitution. Almost though.
  10. I shall track them down, thankya.
  11. Just two EPs is it? I have heard the name before.
  12. How could Audioslave go so wrong? Two great bands merge into one lumpy mess.
  13. OK, who is that and should I know?
  14. Wasn't Weiland always the same bag of bones nutjob though?
  15. Happy birthday and thank Allah you are not George Bush.
  16. Ever get the feeling that REM is too comfortable a place for the band members to want to leave? At least Buck branches out with the Minus 5 thing and Robyn Hitchcock and Tuatara but Mills and Stipe don't seem to do a whole lot in between tours of duty as REM.
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