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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Anyway, I am getting outta this thread before solace gives us all up to the Five Oh.
  2. Remember when you used to get this on the innder bag/sleeve of yer actual vinyl records?
  3. Doesn't really matter now anyway. All you can do now is pray, if that is your bag, for the survivors and their families.
  4. Probably not, as been said before it's semantic. It is illegal though in the eyes of John Q. Lawman, which is what really matters if you get done for the offence. Being a good buddy and hooking your mates up with tunes wouldn't be a great defence strategy.
  5. Same here. I am liking it a whole lot. The EPs are great too. Took a while to sink in but gets regular rotation on winamp now.
  6. Is that a new Travis album? I thought they had given up the ghost. NP: Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank. I am quite enjoying this at the moment. I hardly think it will get much airplay after say, the summer, but for now 'salright.
  7. Reports are saying that he had an "ungodly" amount of ammunition. The use of that term alone is frightening.
  8. Downloading is illegal. I do plenty of it but I do realise that much. As for the giving a friend a copy thing, whatever you feel about that, not even the CIA could catch anyone and prosecute them for that.
  9. They have to be the worst looking pieces of plastic crap I have ever seen!
  10. Without a doubt and deservedly so. Who took it upon themselves to try and warn students by e-mail? I never heard something as idiotic. There will be plenty blame apportioning and mud slinging when this is over. Some one really had it in for this school too. Two bomb threats in less than two weeks as well?
  11. Seems like these things come around every few years. Terrible tragedy. The first shootings were two hours before the second batch. What the hell were the campus cops and the real cops doing in that time?
  12. Tupelo wipe the floor with anything either Jay or Jeff have done consequently. Go buy their stuff.
  13. I normally shy away from golf, in real life or on tv, but I always enjoy watching the final day of the major tournaments for some reason. As for Loose Fur...well the recent one was pretty good.
  14. I love the fact that me and Pete share a birthday. I have been banished from the living room while my wife watches Harry Potter and Something Shite. I wanted to watch The Masters.
  15. Does that tactic of asking for pm's of albums really work? Does anyone respond with the goods? Also, why are you quoting Who lyrics at me?
  16. If I need to get up in the morning I set it for a half hour before I leave the house. Up right away, shower, dress and out the door with some fruit and gone. Most mornings I can snooze for up to an hour though, which is teh sweet.
  17. Damn you and your cursed, cheese fuelled logic!
  18. 100 100 80 40 What a way to make me feel crappy on a Sunday morning.
  19. Quite picky about yer mindless rocking there Belty!
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