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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Back story on this please. It sounds interesting.
  2. I must be fair though, I did like Gish and Siamese Dream.
  3. I don't really get it, I love the Eagles stuff up to about the Long Run album. I think Brian Henneman said it better than I can. I think the Eagles are great. I don't like everything they did, "The Long Run", being my least favorite album. Early Eagles were awesome. I was an "Eagles Snob" way back when. I remember bein' suspicious when Don Felder joined, and being pissed off when Joe Walsh joined. I liked my original Eagles, when I was a teen. THEY might be the reason I got into "alt-country", without even knowin' it. I just thought of them as a rock band back then. Didn't even realize the
  4. Is anyone else tired of the whole Pumpkins thing now and of Corgan himself?
  5. Best news I've not understood all day!
  6. Seems to be a new addition, or a recent one at any case. They have been doing the Stones track Bitch and Pocahontas as well. Jay always picks great covers though.
  7. Isn't that just a cabinet? Any UK'ers remember when there was a VH2 and they had a midnight show on sponsored by Uncut magazine? That was pretty sweet, till they rejigged the channel and called in MTV Flux or some shite.
  8. I watched a bit of the Perfect Night In but in fairness 24 and Lost were on too so one has to prioritise! Besides, seeing Frost's scabby bare feet and that robe threatening to open all the time drove me into the arms of 24! Early Doors, is that the one with the Roddy Frame title song? I liked that one.
  9. I am not from the UK either but you are pretty spot on in your assessments. Black Books was great and so was the Royal Family. Another one currently showing that shows promise is Roman's Empire. Spaced was fucking great though.
  10. I was just thinking that myself. Didn't it kinda fizzle out?
  11. I quite liked the movie myself but that teacher has teached her last teach.
  12. Froggie, the only part of The View that is funny is how far it gets up the nose of the Fox news people.
  13. Who called the cops? Happy Mama's day to all the mamas!
  14. Isn't he the black Green Lantern? D'oh!
  15. I hadn't played this in months and it is soooo sweet.
  16. Another slacker. A job as a frymaster in Burger King looms.
  17. You will read every damn one of them and do a report for the class Mister!
  18. Lost Plotway have had a live Jayhawks album tucked away for years. It's not like they know what they are doing anyway.
  19. Sure but dude only asked for five.
  20. If King was any kind of fan he would leak it on the net!
  21. 66/100 Guess I am just a middle of the road old fogey.
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