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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. I like children but I couldn't possibly eat a whole one. I love it when dumb American tourists visit Ireland. They will believe any old horse shit and part with their dollars while doing it.
  2. Limerick is just hanging around. Take that, no one would miss it.
  3. Legs wide apart and grit your teeth usually works.
  4. At least we still have Supertramp.
  5. That was some ice cold shit there...
  6. The good old days before women got uppity.
  7. Will Wilco sponsor me to lose weight? Can I play one of their songs in the background during my weekly, tear strewn weigh in?
  8. Patti Smith, for the strangely arousing underam hair alone and Sister Rosetta Tharpe cause she looks as if she could kick the livin' tar outta you while not missing a beat.
  9. Shit! Thanks, I'll edit the ad.
  10. Sitting here bitching about it won't get it fixed now will it? Wait a minute....have you got THREE nipples?
  11. Now there's someone with their shit together!
  12. Sounds like a party! You stripping too?
  13. I was gonna mention Endrick Brothers but someone got there first, still well worth a listen though. Thea Gilmore, Big Ditch Road, Ed Harcourt.
  14. Now you are just giving them away. You cheapen the whole ethos of "post of the day". It's madness!
  15. That fucker has been here like ten minutes and you give him post of the day?!? Bastards....
  16. 24 pages of cock. Someone with half a brain sum this here shit up for me and bring me a burger and the new Rolling Stone while you are at it.
  17. You know, with an avatar like that you really should avoid fence sitting. Painful.
  18. No. Jesus, unbunch yer knickers people. It's not like they are endorsing assisted suicide or something.
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