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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. I am betting she was around the recording of the Who's Endless Wire album cos that sucks too.
  2. What? The need to dominate everyone who has a different opinion?
  3. No! Man, she ruined every storyline with her rubber faced , moaning cow act.
  4. The case against her should have been argued by a decent lawyer.
  5. Is she still even around? That accent, uggh.
  6. Am I the only one who thinks Lili Taylor is THE most annoying bint on television? I was truly delighted when she was killed off in Six Feet Under.
  7. Mostly because the title track suite annoys my wife.
  8. I've actually thought of that too, which is no recommendation in itself really. The thing about these re-releases and box sets comprising stuff you already have is that they are always packaged so beautifully and you end up wanting it anyway.
  9. That is a total "look below to see what I'm packing" smile.
  10. One of my very favourite songs of all time is Freakwater's cover of Dwight Yoakam's South of Cincinnati. Just amazingly gorgeous.
  11. I remember that, only not as fondly as you seem to.
  12. if you are a gal. if you are a dude.
  13. I wonder how HL and The News would have looked if they had adopted the "socks only" look of the Chili Peppers.
  14. The baby Cheeses loves you for that. No, I can't see anything there anyway and obviously neither could Mr. Saxon, even with his big NHS glasses.
  15. Your previous post was absent of music....a bit like a Robbie Williams album.
  16. I just thought this was amusing: "tonyblair doesn't have a personal statement currently" I shall now stop hijacking your thread.
  17. Silversun Pickups got the boot in favour of the new Rush album. Now that's rock!
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