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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. ...the album given to me by a friend who bought it and didn't like it, so I got it for free. Yay me! I hope he was happy with the Longpigs album I gave him in return.
  2. What do ya reckon? I cannot love this album. The first 3 or 4 songs are fine but the rest of it blurs into just sludge for me. I cannot complete even one full listen to it.
  3. Some really good stuff on this album I think.
  4. Pick us up a frappacino on your way please.
  5. Paris Hilton (or any celebrity fuck up, really) and an army of blind chainsaw jugglers. With butterfingers.
  6. Even with a free album attached to it, I still wouldn't buy that rag of a paper.
  7. It will be a shame if it does suck. I haven't heard it but I did kinda give up on them after Mellon Collie. I always had them plugged as a great singles band with the subsequent album then being mostly filler after a couple of killer tracks.
  8. Bring back the Halloween one...that was cool.
  9. I think Joyce has you Louie. I am really Leonard Cohen so I am 70.
  10. Too expensive for me to justify. I already have an mp3 player that is very fine, thank you Creative. My Nokia does the job too. I'd rather drink the money.
  11. Oh you said it, I was pertified trying to cross the streets there. If it wasn't the crazy buggers in cars then it was the lunatics on the scooters that would nail ya.
  12. Aye, it really is a lovely album. Real good to see him back and firing on all cylinders.
  13. I can hang on till it comes out. Editors new one will keep me warm.
  14. What? It was crap, all I can do is give my opinion.
  15. I watched him on Later on BBC last night and it was just rank. Meandering,no value rubbish. Even the version of Lady Madonna stunk up the place. I appreciate his value and place in history but the music he has made over the last 20 or more years has been drivel.
  16. Sometimes you just have to throw it out there and see if it flies.
  17. I would have liked to have done this but working 75 hour days precludes me from taking part in the human race apparently.
  18. I am here. You were expecting something sensible and thought out? Shame on you, Sir!
  19. Good point but I am not au fait with aforementioned "bits".
  20. Oh yeah, like you were just talking with Alonso that time in the sauna.
  21. Who are these two twats? Baseball players I am guessing. No? And I would totally shake her off...with a chainsaw.
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