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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Jeez, you guys get more time off than George Bush!
  2. Fair enough then. Probably still more exciting than women's footy.
  3. I hardly think that road bowling originated here. As it is I have never seen it preformed live so to speak. Is anyone watching the Rubgy World Cup? Anyone? What a non event.
  4. Women's football = monkey tennis. Novelty at best and about as entertaining.
  5. Now. I haven't ignore your thread. It's a perfectly loveable, adorable thread. Well done you!
  6. Did he do all this to get himself some publicity for his blog or whatever crapfest he writes on the net? Should have duct taped the tazer to his bollocks and threw him in the lake.
  7. Is anybody else just a little weary of Bruce at this stage? The single, for me, was only ok. I haven't really been captivated by a Springsteen record since Tom Joad.
  8. I really love this band. I know they sound like a lot of other bands but so what. If the stuff holds up then so be it.
  9. Yea, I know that. Just that the uploader has only just started torrenting and was more comfortable about putting it there. Even ripping the tracks as .wavs and putting on Megaupload or whatever, is a hefty zip file.
  10. That is a possiblity too. I didn't originate the torrents though. I am only passing on the info. I got my copies in the mail. I don't like interfering in other people's uploads, I am only passing it on.
  11. This new compilation is dedicated to the various covers The Jayhawks played lived from 1985 until their last shows in 2004. The set consists of 4 cd's, each covering a certain era. Much work went into gathering the songs, the editing and the website that goes with this project. The sound quality ranges from 'A' to 'C' because we had to work with different sources obviously. Each disc will have it's own torrent incl. artwork. Disc 1: 1985-1992 Disc 2: 1993-1997 Disc 3: 1997-2001 Disc 4: 2001-2004 Read the info.txt for each torrent but more information (incl. samples) is at: www.xs4all.nl/~lenle
  12. That is a tad harsh isn't it? You could always just give the poster the benefit of the doubt. It can be a bit difficult to break into a forum as large and intimidating as this. And of course not everyone has your superhuman knowledge of every musical genre.
  13. Great stuff...this is one of my faves this year.
  14. All we need now are some stereotypical Mancunians to round out the place!
  15. Welcome! I am not from the UK but on a windy day I can smell them from here.
  16. OMG, as teenage girls say. That would be awesome in it's freakness. Brett's deep voice, counterpointed by a high lonesome Ryan and all topped off with some of Rennie's blood filled lyrics. That would ,like, rule.
  17. Excellent album. His best in a while. NP: The new Okkervil River album, The Stage Names. Never listened to them before but this one wouldn't make me investigate further to be honest.
  18. Oh my God that is so right. Ulrich is such an unlikeable twat. A complete wanker.
  19. Yes it is a very good site. Even Solace hangs out there from time to time.
  20. Absolutely. I saw it the other night at work and it totally worked. I was straight on the mp3 player and right to the song.
  21. Challengers os for me the one where it all comes together. I loved this one right from first listen whereas I only liked various tracks from the other albums. Plus, this album totally kicks the ass of the new Rilo Kiley album.
  22. Wasn't it great? Totally turned me back on to his stuff. Great to see Peter Buck happy about just playing music again even if he did have to travel on a cramped mini bus!
  23. Don't know if this has been mentioned but it breaks my heart every time. Damien Jurado - Medication It just so happens I have many conerns My brother's down the road and my lover in town They both need affection And some kind of love Well I'm the one who gives it at any given time From two in the morning to six Call me up and cry My lover keeps it secret that we meet under covers When asked by her man if we two are lovers She says, "I hardly know him. Besides, he's not my type." Her man's a policeman with a keen sense of trouble He's known just by danger And all kinds of lia
  24. Holy shit....I just got this over the weekend and it blew me away. What a great album!
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