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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. All you need do it to tick or untick the boxes when installing Real player. Just have the basic player.
  2. They have one, it's weird. This big, red brick old mansion with windowlickers hanging out everywhere. Spooky fucking place. I am not mental, just put together differently.
  3. Calexico


    Eh, opinions and assholes huh? Still, it's better than buying a Mika album.
  4. Calexico


    A lot of interviews with Tweedy I have read seem to portray him as world weary and a bit put upon. Talking about how fans hate this direction or that direction and how you piss somebody off every time. If it makes him that uncomfortable then just quit the media merry go round and just put the record out and tour.
  5. Correct. World Waits For You was on Grey's Anatomy somewhere.
  6. Just put the fucking songs on the fucking cd and stop fucking around and fucking up people's pcs. Fucking hell!
  7. Hotel Arizona for sure. That was the song which really made me sit up and take notice the first, and only, time I saw Wilco. Must have been the Being There tour...Shepherd's Bush 1997 or so.
  8. What's the problem? You can buy weapons at Wal-Mart...that is more alarming to me. Quality of work from India and China being sub-standard? I must agree there. Not up to the same specs as the same products made in the USA or Europe. Case in point, where I work they just bought this huge crane from an Italian company which has been a disaster from day one. Even Italian dockyards don't use these cranes. They use British, German or American cranes. When I asked, innocently, why they just didn't buy a reliable crane from the UK or Germany..."this one was cheaper". Live by the sword....
  9. Does anyone even remember commercials when they have run their course? Many acts have had their stuff licensed for advertising use but honestly I cannot recall one on the products or songs. Well, I lie...I can recall two. The use of Venus In Furs for the tyre advert and the use of Phat Planet for the Guinness ad. Those were pretty good. The rest..meh.
  10. When they see the crayon on it they won't take it as seriously.
  11. A seriously fucking rocking album. They totally didn't get the props for being such good players.
  12. All I can say is that it is sweet to see the Mets top of the NL East and the Yanks second bottom of the AL East. It just is.
  13. I thought it was great. Snappy dialogue and witty. Had plenty of potential, well acted too. Shame to see it go when you consider some of the shite that makes it to network television. Thank the Lord for cable and The Wire.
  14. Calexico


    I just read one in Uncut this morning and he seemed defensive even before the interview began and it was obvious, to me anyway, that the interviewer was a fan. I suppose the drag of doing so many interviews wears thin after a while.
  15. Calexico


    Double gatefold?
  16. All it takes are some nude people and some hippies. We could put the show on right here!
  17. You need to build a huge transmitter in your back garden.
  18. Where men are men and sheep don't have disc drives.
  19. You know, this is a pretty damn fine album that doesn't get enough attention.
  20. Calexico


    Porn magazines....how quaint.
  21. I have no idea what that is but if it is non-alcoholic then NO CHANCE! Good enough show last night, for a change.
  22. Gervais' greasy smile, his obvious need for approval from the entertainment industry, his patent unfunniness....oh Lord how I hate him.
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